tkd must to be very usefull


Senior Master
With my ups and downs I've been inside TKD for almost 32 years, yes I must admit I took a long vacation of nearly 12 years but in those days I was involved in another martial art, shooting and boy I was quite good in that, so basically I can defend myself with a gun too. In all these years I was only in a bar fight ( I wrote of this a time ago here) nothing fancy just knock off some drunk guys and leave the place as fast as I coud, but only for that moment I never had to fight to save the bacon.
I think with all the training I had tkd must be usefull if need it, yes I am not a fighter, just a regular guy who loves TKD and martial arts as a hobby and certainly I have learn some moves, but that's all.

My kicks are not what they used to be but I can kick where it hurts, maybe I am not as fast as a young man but my brain knosw how to move eficiently and in general I am not a troublemaker so I always walk the right side of life.

I was out dojang for three weeks, last friday I wnnt to dojang, only two students because vacations but I started again with ligh jogging, calistecnics and a little stretching to then focus on basics.

Well nothing fancy in life lately but just want to tell you I'm alive and kicking.

El Manny
I went looking through the photos in the gallery earlier today. That's quite some TKD career you've had. It makes me happy that you have kept on keeping on.
At the end of the day, a kick is a kick and a punch is a punch. Anyone attaining a respectable level in TKD is by definition, in many respects, well equipped for self protection.