I have a Decision to make.

Andy Moynihan

Senior Master
MT Mentor
My very good friend is in the Massachusetts State Guard( Not to be confused with the National Guard) and this weekend I'm going to drill with him to see what its about.

It's a bit more lenient to get in than the federal services
* It's one weekend a month.
* it's totally volunteer, you don't get paid and provide much of your own equipment
* it's a state, not a federal force and so can't be deployed outside MA.
* Army grooming standards apply while in uniform so I'd have to sacrifice my beard for the greater good( without it, I am POWERLESS!!!)

I volunteered for regular Nat'l Guard duty the day I turned 17 and was turnmed away for my hearing, I'm gonna be honest with them about that and say that if during the drill it is decided to be a distracting problem, I don't have a problem with buying a hearing aid for drill.

Way I figure it--i'd still pick up infantry, search and rescue , and OPFOR training, and I can unfortunately see a potential future where military training will be a good thing whether you're in the service orr not, and if I want formal military training, this could be the last "foot in the door" i'm likely to get. Federal/Full time doors are closed, and at 3 months shy of 29, though I'm not "old" I'm getting no younger for physical stuff.

So we'll see if I like it and it likes me.
Good luck!

Were you always with a hearing loss, or was that from something that happened to you?

- Ceicei
If you still want in the regular military, don't give up. Some standards about a few things have been lowered. Plus, when I went in (86-95) I was initially turned down because of my hearing. I ended up getting in touch with my congressman and within a couple of weeks had a waiver.

There are some militia type groups around here. A few even have former military. Not many of them were combat arms. Fewer were combat vets. I'd be highly suspect of any training you'd get from them.

I checked these guys out, they're a legit part of the MA Nat'l guard( their stated mission is to suopport the Nat'l Guard in their training as well) they are legit, they are here to stay.
Is this group recognized by the State or the National Guard there? I'd really be interested to learn more about the relationship here.
Yes it is. It's state funded and when you take your oath you take two: one to the US constitution and the second to the constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. I been checking them out for three years( the time m friend's been in) to see what theyre about.
That's really interesting, I didn't realize any states had a militia outside of the National Guard. Definitely worth checking out.

The group is definitely legitimate. It literally is what the Minute Men evolved in to, and its existence, use, and purpose is written in the Massachusetts State Constitution.
I am a former Active Duty Army guy turned National Guardsman...

Definately interested in learning how you will make out. Do you know if they have a web site as this sounds like it is right up my friend's alley.

what are the age limits on this organization?

I would be interested even at my age but I would never get in as I will not willingly again give up my hair or beard for any organization unless the money is large
what are the age limits on this organization?

I would be interested even at my age but I would never get in as I will not willingly again give up my hair or beard for any organization unless the money is large

Uniform Service age range is 18 - 65.

Non-uniformed (auxiliary) service is 18 and up.
Just keep in mind that you will almost certainly not be doing one weekend a month and two weeks in the Summer of search and rescue. Given the current state of military readiness and the troop increases in Iraq and Afghanistan there is a very good chance that you will be overseas. Not that you shouldn't do it. But go in with your eyes open.
Just keep in mind that you will almost certainly not be doing one weekend a month and two weeks in the Summer of search and rescue. Given the current state of military readiness and the troop increases in Iraq and Afghanistan there is a very good chance that you will be overseas. Not that you shouldn't do it. But go in with your eyes open.

This is the state level only. As per the Mass. state constitution, they cannot be absorbed in to the Mass. National Guard, nor can their service be anywhere except within Massachsetts.
Kinda makes me wished I lived in Massachussetts... Although I work for the Rhode Island National Guard and am deployable, I feel like I am working for the Mass Guard in that I never get paid...

Sorry...couldn't resist,

Yes, all states give lip service to having a militia. Not many fund or acknowledge them though.

Well, in VT it is entirely volunteer. You have to pay for your own uniforms and equipment.

We have about 500 people in our State Guard. Our service range is 17-70.

As I get closer to 30, I find myself more and more looking for opportunities for service. I've also been considering running for my town Selectboard.

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