I don't like her, but, she isn't THAT bad...

I dislike her greatly, and wouldnt vote for her if she was running for dog catcher, but I agree, that was out of line.
I'm agreeing with ya both here.

Just another sign the worlds ending soon. ;)
They secretly love her as we all do. I fear the Democratic party will fail to win the presidency because of the great divides, but its good to see Bob and Don are prepared for her eventual Monarchy.
she couldnt get elected if she was the only one to run. She is the worst thing a politician can be

she is not nice.

no one really likes her.
Plenty like her, that's kinda why there's a split in the Democratic party right now. Wish that she'd just bow out gracefully already, before Bush' Third Term wins by default.

dude, she is getting beaten, badly, by someone with no experience, no ideas, and no real platform.
Says a lot, don't it?
You know this proves Limbaugh correct, don't you. He has said for YEARS, that "You have never seen people turn out to vote AGAINST someone the way they will if and when Hillary Clinton runs for President."
Truer words...
You know this proves Limbaugh correct, don't you. He has said for YEARS, that "You have never seen people turn out to vote AGAINST someone the way they will if and when Hillary Clinton runs for President."
Truer words...

Of course, he then turned around and urged people to out and vote for her-kind of what you'd expect from a drug-addled, obese, moronic, fatuous, imbecilic, troglodyte.....which he is! :lol:
hmmmm, interesting. I could prove every one of those foul adjectives false, but I wont bother. Just like O'Reilly, i am sure you have never listened to Rush either, but wow, those are some strong opinions about someone whom you hvae no firsthand knowledge of...

He's republican, therefore a "bad guy" therefore it is ok to denigrate and insult him.......
hmmmm, interesting. I could prove every one of those foul adjectives false, but I wont bother. Just like O'Reilly, i am sure you have never listened to Rush either, but wow, those are some strong opinions about someone whom you hvae no firsthand knowledge of...

He's republican, therefore a "bad guy" therefore it is ok to denigrate and insult him.......

Prove every one of them false? I doubt that...but yer right, I take it back, he's not a troglodyte.....

,.....and I apologize to troglodytes, and all their descendents for insutling them so....
He's republican, therefore a "bad guy" therefore it is ok to denigrate and insult him.......

Pretty sure that I've called Bill CLinton the "Caligula from Arkansas," his wife a "neo-socialist ***** (rhymes with "witch") ," and Barack Obama things that got me into a little trouble on this board, so.......yeah, it is okay to call it as I see it-

Resorting, once again, to the English Language Technical Manual:

One entry found.


Main Entry: mo·ron Pronunciation: \ˈmȯr-ˌän\ Function: noun Etymology: irregular from Greek mōros foolish, stupid Date: 1910 1usually offensive : a mildly mentally retarded person2: a very stupid person
— mo·ron·ic \mə-ˈrä-nik, mȯ-\ adjective

Well, yeah, I think he's a "very stupid person."

Prove he isn't.


Main Entry:
fat·u·ous Pronunciation: \&#712;fa-chü-&#601;s, -tyü-\ Function: adjective Etymology: Latin fatuus foolish Date: 1633 : complacently or inanely foolish : silly <a fatuous remark>

And I think he's pretty silly, and inanely foolish-prove he's not.


Main Entry: im·be·cile Pronunciation: \&#712;im-b&#601;-s&#601;l, -&#716;sil\ Function: noun Etymology: French imbécile, noun, from adjective, weak, weak-minded, from Latin imbecillus Date: 1802 1usually offensive : a person affected with moderate mental retardation2: fool, idiot


Main Entry: obese Pronunciation: \&#333;-&#712;b&#275;s\ Function: adjective Etymology: Latin obesus, from ob- against + esus, past participle of edere to eat — more at ob-, eat Date: 1651 : having excessive body fat

..and, need I say more:


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Chris Matthews called Hillary Clinton the "Al Sharpton" of white people.
While I certainly don't like Mrs Bill Clinton, comparing her to Sharpton, just isn't right. I don't recall Mrs Clinton being a vile race baiting, cop slandering, riot inciting sob.
Without getting sidetracked on the politics of this mess, I just wanted to agree that Matthews, as well as Olberman (sp?), have been so anti-Clinton since the primary turned into an actual race, that I think they should be added to the Obama staff.

I'm even giving up the Sunday night football pregame hoopla if K.O. is part of it again. It takes the No Fun League to new lows. And I'm a fanatic. :cool:

OK, got us a little :-offtopic here. Bowing out now. :)

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