Pay Back Time

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Pay Back Time

Isn't it nice when protestors are successful and get what they want?


Another lesson learned the hard way! Always be careful what you ask for, you just may get it!

One of the many headaches that George W. Bush inherited from his predecessor was the Puerto Rican island of Vieques. In the waning years of the Clinton administration, protesters demanded that the U.S. Navy abandon bombing and naval gun fire exercises that had taken place on the largely uninhabited island for nearly seventy years. It became a leftist cause. Liberal icons bumped into one another to fly to Puerto Rico, boat over to the island, trespass (but never on a day that there was an exercise scheduled) and get arrested for the benefit of the New York Times or Newsweek. They included the Reverend Al Sharpton, Mrs. Jesse Jackson, Joan Baez, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Edward Olomos, Michael Moore and Ramsey Clark, just to name a few. Hillary Clinton, then running for the U.S. Senate in New York, chastised the U.S. Navy for not bowing to the "will of the citizens of Puerto Rico", until her husband, a week before the election, issued an executive order to phase out the facility by 2003, despite pleas from his own Secretary of Defense and the Chief of Naval Operations.

In 2002, the bombing exercises were transferred to an Air Force bombing range in central Florida, not far from the Jacksonville and Pensacola Naval Air Stations. In January, many of the protesters were back in Puerto Rico, celebrating the final bombing exercise on Vieques and waved Puerto Rican flags and placards that read "U.S. Navy, get out of Puerto Rico."

On February 21, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld announced that the U.S. Navy will close the Roosevelt Roads Naval Air Station in Puerto Rico in 2004, eliminating 1200 civilian jobs as well as 700 military positions.

This naval facility is estimated to put nearly $300 million annually into the local economy. The next day a stunned Governor Sila Calderon, held a news conference in San Juan, protesting the base closure as a serious blow to Commonwealth's fragile economy.

The governor stated that "The people of Puerto Rico don't now or never did have an interest in closing the Vieques bombing range or the Roosevelt Roads naval base. We are interested in both staying in Puerto Rico." When asked, the Commander-in Chief, Western Atlantic Command, said, "Without Vieques, I see no further need for the facility at Roosevelt Roads. None." So, Yanqui go home? Fine. But we'll take our dollars with us. Hasta la vista . . . baby!

On February 21, the Secretary of Defense also announced that starting this year, the U.S. European Command would begin moving most if not all of its active combat and support units from bases in Germany to others being established in Poland, The Czech Republic, Hungary and Turkey to "better position them for rapid deployment to likely hot spots in those parts of the world". Immediately the business and government leaders in the German states of Hesse, Rhineland and Wurttemburg, protested the loss of nearly $6 billion in revenue each year from the bases and manpower to be displaced. A spokesman for the Foreign Ministry speculated that the move may be "what the Americans call 'pay back' for the actions of this government in opposing military action in Iraq." Whatever. Does anyone know the German translation for "Hasta la vista . . . baby?"

Oh ain't it nice to see a government with guts (and a good memory)
Two quotes come to mind:
"Don't bite the hand that feeds"
"be careful what you ask for, you might just get it"

Mountain Sage
what is nice about our current administration is....not only do we have the fire power to do most anything we want to (go against the united nations concerning iraq), but we also have the testes and mindset to teach people lessons without using all the fire power we have!!!

Kudo's to the Bush administration.....

Ok...some of my excitment for the bush administration is because of the twins.....but.......The Pres does ok too!!!
I believe that George W. Bush has done a fantastic job during his presidency and I'm very pleased that he is our president.:asian:
Better watch out folk speaking so kindly about our Pres. it will get Kaith all riled up:D . You know those New York closet liberals. I have been impressed with Mr. Bush and his handling of issues in varied arenas.

Mountain Sage
Being a U.S. Protectorate, the damage to the Puerto Rican economy will most likely be paid for by U.S. Taxpayers.

I still think it's funny though :)

I think we need to just give that little island it's independence and be done with it.
Originally posted by MountainSage
Better watch out folk speaking so kindly about our Pres. it will get Kaith all riled up:D . You know those New York closet liberals. I have been impressed with Mr. Bush and his handling of issues in varied arenas.

Mountain Sage

Hehehe...where'd I leave those 'Pink' belts? :D

Its been said that the military of today was built by the previous administration. I sure hope after taking us to war in Afghanastan, Iraq and now soon Liberia, that we have enough troops left to handle Iran, Syria and N. Korea and still protect our 'homeland'. I'd hate to be so weak the Frenchwannabes up in Quebec can wage a successful invasion. :)

(Then again...they can have NY. highest taxes in the country and poorest ROI too) :rolleyes:
earlier this year, Former Czech President Havel signed agreements that would allow the US to use the Czech Republic as a primary base for equipment that would enable the Missile Defense System to become operative.
The EU was outraged by this decision, and threatened to cancell the vote that would allow the Czech Republic to join the UN. Havel stood his ground, and continued with the agreement he signed with the US.
Since then, Havel has retired form public office. His successor, President Kluas, has negated the agreement with the US in order to appease the EU. The US has issued a statment indicating that we respect the decision, and will not let it damage relations between the two countries.
The EU voted in favor of admiting the Czech Republic into its ranks, but only after a long list of other criteria are also met.
Just thought I would share that with everyone. Seems relevant.
Its been said that the military of today was built by the previous administration.

I thought todays military was just the things left over that Bill didn't sell off to other countries, or demolish because of hillary's demands.....
Thought you might have fallen asleep on me Kaith and my belt size is 8, please make the belt hot pink:D . The belt will go with my red neck.

Mountain Sage
with a size 8 pink belt, and a red would never make it as a ninja..... Stealth can't be a strong suit like that!!
Hehehe... me fall asleep? never. :D

The funny thing is...i agree with most of this thread. I think we should leave these other whiners to be on their own. Too many of em scream n rant at us, but are more than happy to take out free food and aid packages.

Then again, I also was in support of defoliating columbia.... :D
You are correct, stealth and speed are not my best qualities. At 6'2", 300 lbs I'm told I move well for a big man, but sneaking up on a person probably not going to happen. I'm more like a sledgehammer, only take one hit, yet you take a few hit to get that one.
Don't go agreeing, politically, with the rest of us. It takes all the fun out of trying to ruff your feathers:D . Maybe my liberatarian ways are rubbing off on you and I welcome you to the dark side.

Mountain Sage
I left the Marine Corps ( or what was left of it) in '95. My initial contract was for 6 years, by the time it was up the military budget had been cut to the point that there were no boatspaces (re-enlistment positions) available for ANYONE in my field. I was granted a six month extension.... no go. Another six month extension.... "Thanks for the last seven years of your life but the commander in chief no longer believes you are a neccesary part of the budget." My area of expertise was counter-narcotics. Doesn't it strike you as a little odd that the man that swore he never inhaled cut the funding to the bone for stopping the drug trade?

On another note... did ya hear about the car wreck victim that just woke up after 19 years in a coma? He still thinks Reagan is president, the soviet union is still the bad guys and rap music is just a passing fad. :rofl: Don't tell him about the Clinton "Legacy" or he'll be right back to sleep.:D
funny how the clinton admin was a nightmare for our country, a whimsicle humorous time for the rest of the world, and a wet dream to bill.

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