I did it! New Brown Belt!

Congratulations on the new rank!!! I did Wado Ryu years ago when younger and enjoyed every second of it. Now I am studying Tang Soo Do and your black belt form is our Red belt form....Good Luck and Keep striving to push harder!!!
Woo Hoo! I have been semi-dreading this day for a month now, and when I woke up this morning with sinus congestion so bad it felt like I had 2 cement blocks on my face, I almost flaked and didn't go. But I decided that even if I failed, I'd have the experience under my belt for the next go round. But I made it! I didn't do well on my weapons self defense, but other than that I got high marks. So now I'm home glowing with satisfaction and have ice on my shoulder (healing from a dislocation), with a brand spankin' new brown belt in my gear bag! YeeHaw!

I gota ask.. you still sore from testing?? I was sore for at least a week as I remember.. the spirit training part was just plain rugged!
I gota ask.. you still sore from testing?? I was sore for at least a week as I remember.. the spirit training part was just plain rugged!

Today is the first day that I climbed out of bed without hobbling due to my sore legs. I'm actually still tight, but it's not too bad now. I had physical therapy yesterday, though, and my therapist really helped me relax my muscles (and worked on my sinuses, too - what a blessing!).
Today is the first day that I climbed out of bed without hobbling due to my sore legs. I'm actually still tight, but it's not too bad now. I had physical therapy yesterday, though, and my therapist really helped me relax my muscles (and worked on my sinuses, too - what a blessing!).

cool. ya it seemed like I was at least a little sore for a long time after I tested. little stiffness and soreness that just took a while to go away. but I think it was about 2 months till I looked at that belt and it felt like it was really mine. brown is a really big step up in rank and in responsibility.
congrats, keep it up but dont forget the purpose of your studies and that you have one more plato to go. again congrats futre black belt
congrats, keep it up but dont forget the purpose of your studies and that you have one more plato to go. again congrats futre black belt

... Ehh I would reather say "once again congradulations, and you have yet to make dan rank. but remember that once you do make Dan rank, all you do is start over again." ( well at least in the system I train in you have all the kata in the system for empty hand and several weapons kata by the time you are asked to test for shodan-ho.)

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