I did it! New Brown Belt!


Yellow Belt
Jul 5, 2007
Reaction score
Central Texas
Woo Hoo! I have been semi-dreading this day for a month now, and when I woke up this morning with sinus congestion so bad it felt like I had 2 cement blocks on my face, I almost flaked and didn't go. But I decided that even if I failed, I'd have the experience under my belt for the next go round. But I made it! I didn't do well on my weapons self defense, but other than that I got high marks. So now I'm home glowing with satisfaction and have ice on my shoulder (healing from a dislocation), with a brand spankin' new brown belt in my gear bag! YeeHaw!

Congratulations! Isn't it a great feeling! Bet you keep opening your bag to have a peek at it lol! Is it black next or do you have some more browns to do? I did Wado and there's three browns to get through. Well down, pat yurself on the uninjured shoulder! :asian:
Congrats...Well Done!!!!
Thank you, everyone, for the kudos. It's a great feeling. And yes, I keep looking at it. LOL I have 2 more browns to get through before black, but this is first one was the big hurdle. The next two are mostly about improving rather than learning new stuff, other than a new kata.

Thank you, everyone, for the kudos. It's a great feeling. And yes, I keep looking at it. LOL I have 2 more browns to get through before black, but this is first one was the big hurdle. The next two are mostly about improving rather than learning new stuff, other than a new kata.


What style are you doing? Is the next kata Naihanchi by any chance?
I am studying American Karate through the Austin Society of Karate (http://www.askmartialarts.com). Our next kata is Chung Mu. We also have to do 2 original katas before we get our black belts. The black belt kata is Bassai Dai.


Hmm, so you have kata from both Korean and Japanese/Okinawan systems. Chung Mu is a Chang Hon form created by General Choi of ITF taekwondo fame. Bassai is practiced in MANY, MANY different karate systems - I've seen about 6 distinct versions, and I'm sure there are more. I'd wager the version you practice is probably the Shotokan one, however.

What's the rationale for an original kata anyway? I think it's very difficult to come up with a meaningful one that has both a central theme and effective bunkai behind it. Why reinvent the wheel, particularly before you make shodan?

Welcome to MT. This is a fun place to relax and occasionally learn from.
Hmm, so you have kata from both Korean and Japanese/Okinawan systems. Chung Mu is a Chang Hon form created by General Choi of ITF taekwondo fame. Bassai is practiced in MANY, MANY different karate systems - I've seen about 6 distinct versions, and I'm sure there are more. I'd wager the version you practice is probably the Shotokan one, however.

What's the rationale for an original kata anyway? I think it's very difficult to come up with a meaningful one that has both a central theme and effective bunkai behind it. Why reinvent the wheel, particularly before you make shodan?

Welcome to MT. This is a fun place to relax and occasionally learn from.

Yes, our system pulls quite a bit from TKD, as well as Shotokan. Our other katas are H forms 1-4, which are very similar to basic TKD kata that I don't remember the name of, To San, Hein 4, Hwa Rang, and Tekki 1 (sorry about spelling errors).

I've not discussed the rationale with our director or my instructor, but I suspect that the purpose of the original kata is to force us to think outside of the prescribed kata - out of the box, so to speak. Personally, I find that I get so focused on the particular kata that I am studying that I have a hard time seeing much else. The exercise of creating my own kata, even if it ends up not being very good, is really helping me think through how it all fits together. Geez, that was rambling; hope it makes a little sense.

Thanks for the welcome!
Woo Hoo! I have been semi-dreading this day for a month now, and when I woke up this morning with sinus congestion so bad it felt like I had 2 cement blocks on my face, I almost flaked and didn't go. But I decided that even if I failed, I'd have the experience under my belt for the next go round. But I made it! I didn't do well on my weapons self defense, but other than that I got high marks. So now I'm home glowing with satisfaction and have ice on my shoulder (healing from a dislocation), with a brand spankin' new brown belt in my gear bag! YeeHaw!


congradulations! if it was like my brown belt test you left exosted and sore and ellaited all at once.

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