I became so damn heavy ! which sport should i switch to ?

There are a couple of popular routes, as DB stated start small be consistant, exchange the crap you consume for a more balanced diet, its ok to eat chocolate, drink beer, but in moderation, a balanced healthy diet is not rocket science, some can stop consuming most unhealthy foods drinks etc, and only have a problem with certain items, usually chocolate, alcohol, chips or as we call them crisps, and the worst imo energy drinks, the likes of monster relentless etc, and the times of day they consume these products, with busy lives, skip breakfast, busy day at work, get home have tea, then sit in front of the idiot box watching sitcoms made for 3rd graders, drinking beer and snacking, not realising in the 4 hours they have been home from work, they have consumed 2000 calories, then go to bed.
The 2 ways you do this is either make small changes and be consistant, or make big changes for 6 days aweek then have a reward day, my advice would be the 1st, a good plan to go with the balanced diet and exercise would be, and its something I have done since the 1980's, after seeing it on a breakfast tv with mr motivator is the following:
Eat breakfast like a king
Eat lunch like a lord.
Eat tea like a porper.
No supper.
And most importantly drink 3 litres of water aday.
With consistancy and discipline the weight will fall off.
hi my friend.
how can i get back my willpower specially if ive gone through a mental illness phase within which i gained weight ?

as far as i remember my will power was perfectly fine before my illness.
The fact that you are reaching out for ideas and discuss the concept is a good start.
Like @drop bear said, it is a will power or 'frame of mind' thing.
Also someone mentioned taking small steps. I would recommend taking it in defined steps.
Make a written plan and stick to the plan. Start small and elaborate are you go.
It shows and teaches commitment. It is a tool to train and strengthen your willpower.
Willpower is setting and keeping a habit.
A habit will become an engrained way of life.
With repetition, you will simply 'want' the good health plan you created to be your way of life.
Then, don't look back.
Any sport will help you lose weight (apart from gaming....because apparently playing video games counts as a sport these days)
If you use a heavy bag, it will generally build up arm muscles/be a cardio exercise. (depends how specfically you use it) But if you do gain muscle and still have a semi high body fat percentage, it makes you look bigger due to the muslces pushing out the fat, or better wording growing under it.

Also if the eating is a issue due to mental issues ie addiction or a eating disorder counciling should be saught after or what ever the relivent medical specilist is.
If you use a heavy bag, it will generally build up arm muscles/be a cardio exercise. (depends how specfically you use it) But if you do gain muscle and still have a semi high body fat percentage, it makes you look bigger due to the muslces pushing out the fat, or better wording growing under it.

Also if the eating is a issue due to mental issues ie addiction or a eating disorder counciling should be saught after or what ever the relivent medical specilist is.
Yep am discussing this stuff with my psychiatrist at every counseling.

As i mentionned before my will power and also a lot of other good habits were included in my daily routine.

5 years ago:

- I was getting up each day at 7 am
- Walking 20 min to work each morning
- sleeping and eating everyday at the same time.
- My body became very equalized
- I also got rid of my street walk phobia due to my bad posture which i corrected over a period of 6 months .

Basically i was very mentally and physically composed overall.
- My body became very equalized
- I also got rid of my street walk phobia due to my bad postur
I like this quote, posture is key, many let their body dictate their posture, rather than posture dictate their body, if you can distinguish this feeling of being equalised, in all aspects of your life, you are on the right track. DISCLAIMER: I am in no way affiliated with a religious nut job group.
I like this quote, posture is key, many let their body dictate their posture, rather than posture dictate their body, if you can distinguish this feeling of being equalised, in all aspects of your life, you are on the right track. DISCLAIMER: I am in no way affiliated with a religious nut job group.

Yep thanks to full contact and some french posture enhancement techniques i got rid of this phobia. it was a holly piece of crap in my life back then. and i would recommend it strongly to people around here if they have some street walking phobias or similar. Now i walk like a king.

But right now am struggling with a new condition called paranoid schizophrenia .

Even with medication i always have some recurring symptoms as well as a feeling of doubt .

Hopefully my meds will do better job .
Another great technique for anxiety is a breathing technique called Lyegkoye, some times spelt lykoi, lots of the information available on the net talk about breath patterns like 4-7-8 for example, but it goes deeper and more complex than breath patterns whilst walking, you can use breath patterns and holds during physical exercise to incress stress to the body, helping to train how our phyche and body reacts during stress, controlling anxiety and irratic descision making, also breath patterns for recovery and relaxation. Lyegkoye also teaches us to link our breath and movement, and irradicate those moments where we find ourselves holding our breath which our conscious mind has no control, its these moments when the tension entres our bodies, fears creep in, the mind starts to race, our posture becomes unbalanced, and our movement, distance and timing are off, which in turn creates more tension and the spiral downwards continues. The first thing we do when we are born is inhale, the last thing we do as we die is exhale, breathing is the only constant thing we do inbetween, yet it is not looked at as important as nutrition, exercise, when it should be given as much effort as these things, some will say "i'm XX years old, and my breathing has been fine up to now" yes it has, but its not been exceptional.
Alright everybody.

yesyerday i started a 1 hour walk and am planning to mix walking with good eating habits.

Thanks for your support , i will tell you about my weight as i progress more.
Alright everybody.

yesyerday i started a 1 hour walk and am planning to mix walking with good eating habits.

Thanks for your support , i will tell you about my weight as i progress more.
just going back to your earlier thing about will power, its about building success and using that as a feed back loop to drive further success. to do that you need to ONLY pick goals that can be easily acheived. an hour walk is ambitios to start, not the hour of walking its self, but the comitment to do that day after day in all weathers. if you dont manage to stick with it, it will only serve to reinforce your negative feeling to yourself.

better maybe five mins of brisk cardio in doors, something thats not going to be snowed off and thers absolutly no time constraints to get in the way

just been through the anual cant move in the park for people who have resolved to get fit by walking/jogging round the circumfrance. theres non left at all by the first week in feb,, none at all. they will all be there next year again

however heres hopping you stick to your stated objective
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Alright everybody.

yesyerday i started a 1 hour walk and am planning to mix walking with good eating habits.

Thanks for your support , i will tell you about my weight as i progress more.

Well done, keep us informed of your progress.
Thanks guys for your support .

Today i measured my weight and went from 130 kg to 120 kg. Hopfully i can reach my full contact ideal fighter weight.

I also reached 30 years old in 20 february.
Thanks guys for your support .

Today i measured my weight and went from 130 kg to 120 kg. Hopfully i can reach my full contact ideal fighter weight.

I also reached 30 years old in 20 february.
thats very well done, 10kg in 6 weeks, yea thats good going, keep it up

youl be beachbody ready by august
Thanks guys for your support .

Today i measured my weight and went from 130 kg to 120 kg. Hopfully i can reach my full contact ideal fighter weight.

I also reached 30 years old in 20 february.

Well done keep it going, if your going FC, best get some sparring in. And Some swimming.