I became so damn heavy ! which sport should i switch to ?


Yellow Belt
Hi everybody.

Am glad to be here again .

since i hit 25 years old i became so heavy specially at 30 years old with a weight of 130 kg compared to my 22 years old's peak endurance 90 kg .

So right now am thinking about normalizing my weight but dont know how to recognize my healthy weight.

Also what sports should i try ? do you think a boxing bag is a good start ?
Thanks man for the advices.

do you think a boxing bag could show some good results in 6 months ? its the easiest thing i can do as a move

It'll be better than doing nothing. Well, it will if you use it - buying one and looking at it won't do much at all...

Other stuff that might help (if you can do it) is stuff like swimming, jogging/running, maybe cycling.

A visit to a doctor/nutritionist probably wouldn't hurt either.
Hi everybody.

Am glad to be here again .

since i hit 25 years old i became so heavy specially at 30 years old with a weight of 130 kg compared to my 22 years old's peak endurance 90 kg .

So right now am thinking about normalizing my weight but dont know how to recognize my healthy weight.

Also what sports should i try ? do you think a boxing bag is a good start ?
didn't you ask ( and several people took the time to answer)EXACTLY the same question back in august ?
didn't you ask ( and several people took the time to answer)EXACTLY the same question back in august ?
Hi . i know but when i started full contact i couldnt run easily since i became so heavy.
When i run i feel all the weight on my feet.

Thats why am thinking about doing something stationnary but efficient until i get less heavy and then proceed to something moving.
Welcome to Martial Talk, Draco.

Start walking, bro. Make sure you have good footwear and start walking.

You didn't get heavy overnight, so be patient and eat responsibly.
We cannot tell you what is the right program for you. We are in no position to diagnose your condition and determine what you need, and neither are we in a position to decide what exercise would be interesting enough to you that you will embrace it and stick with it.

You need to have a hearty discussion with your doctor and get a nutritionist into the mix, and perhaps a physical therapist and personal trainer to determine what your body can tolerate without exacerbating your conditions. Your comment about feeling it in your feet when your run, is a good example.

Make some appointments, get on a good program, and martial arts MIGHT be part of that program. Get out there and explore what it is that you will need.
You have gotten a lot of sage advise. It all means nothing waiting for advise from others. It really is not rocket science and I feel certain you know most of what to do.
Analyze your lifestyle (including work routine).
Get a Conservative idea what your daily intake value is(how many calories).
Greatly reduce intake value by reduced consumption, & What you consume.
Find a program or routine or your liking that will burn roughly 1/3 of your daily intake (before diet modification) and that reduces stress.
An example: if you are consuming 2,000/day that are largely crap, do enough daily exercise to burn about 600-700 calories. If you are averagely active you body should take care of the rest of it.
This and modifying your diet will help, With time and effort.

As other have said see a doctor.
Hi Draco, I would add swimming to the answer, what ever you do, it starts with you, and you taking action, many people just need to remember, nothing is going to change if they dont change in themselves, it starts with changing your life patterns and thoughts, I knew a bloke that wanted to get back to being fit, so he started going to the gym, but in his head he had a beleif that if he worked hard, he deserved a beer, and not just one beer, usually 6 or 8 cans, this was hard wired habit, something he just did, so he would go to the gym for an hour, go home and consume 6 or 8 beers, didnt loose any weight, infact gained weight as he put on a bit of muscle, got depressed, then drank some more beer. Sometimes the steps and action start with our own habits, habits that are so ingrained we dont recognise them as anything other than normal. Some great advice has been given, some may sound harsh, but they are fact, it starts with you my good man, now get ya **** up off the sofa, and get to it.
Hi Draco, now get ya **** up off the sofa, and get to it.
Thanks for your motivation . dont know if you read my first thread on the mind but some people from my family noticed that i lost some weight after 3 months from taking antidepressant . guess i had some boulimia going on as well.

I guess i need to take action like you all have mentioned and see a nutritionist to help normalize my weight more efficiently.
I have been there with weight. I am older than you and I didn't gain the weight as quickly as you, but I did get as big as you by my late 40s, and struggled with it ever since. And while I have had periods of inactivity, that has been more the exception than the rule. I did Martial Arts, as well as jogging through high school, then jogging and weights through college into my mid 20s. Then weights and cardio classes such as Reebok step in my 20s through early 30s, then back to jogging and cycling, then more classes, and now a mix of Tae Kwon Do, cycling, and weights currently.

I can tell you from experience that exercise only accounts for maybe 15 or 20% of the total equation, and what you eat and other lifestyle factors like do you have a physically demanding job, do you drive to get around or do you walk, etc...Simply put, you can be somewhat active and still carry too much weight, if you are eating more calories than you burn. It helps to start keeping a food journal, so you know what you are eating. It shouldn't take more than a couple of weeks to figure out how much you are eating, then making changes to get your weight down.

I took up Tae Kwon Do 2 years ago with the goal of training for the mental and physical benefits, and they were pretty substantial. But as of June of 2019, my weight was actually about 10 lbs higher than it had been when I started TKD in February 2018! How was that possible? When I first started TKD I lost a little weight, but somehow, I adjusted my eating to make up for the calories I was burning off in my training. In my case, it was too much food overall, but especially too many refine carbohydrates like white bread, pasta, potatoes, rice and especially, sugar. By identifying the biggest offenders and eliminating or severely limiting them, and watching portions of the rest of my food, I have taken off almost 55 lbs (25 kg) since June. My training hasn't changed much but my weight is down because I changed my eating.
Thanks for your motivation . dont know if you read my first thread on the mind but some people from my family noticed that i lost some weight after 3 months from taking antidepressant . guess i had some boulimia going on as well.

I guess i need to take action like you all have mentioned and see a nutritionist to help normalize my weight more efficiently.
It couldn't hurt, but you don't need a degree in nutrition to figure out how much you are eating.
Pretty much anything should work right. Swimming and less stressful exercises generally work better if you have joint problems. Swimming i have seen reccomended for obese people due the less stress put on joints. (and partly for cleaning)

Normalising weight should be eating normally, or the same amount with the same amount of exercise. Or at least energy consumption.

edit: hell you could even do weightlifting or strength sports if you liked them and wanted to. I personally prefer the latter to cardio based things.
Pretty much anything should work right. Swimming and less stressful exercises generally work better if you have joint problems. Swimming i have seen reccomended for obese people due the less stress put on joints. (and partly for cleaning)

Normalising weight should be eating normally, or the same amount with the same amount of exercise. Or at least energy consumption.

edit: hell you could even do weightlifting or strength sports if you liked them and wanted to. I personally prefer the latter to cardio based things.

I know that nutrition controls are important and make up about 75 % weight loss.
But do you think a boxing bag could be a good cardio exercice to help sculpt my body even more i mean get leaner.
I know that nutrition controls are important and make up about 75 % weight loss.
But do you think a boxing bag could be a good cardio exercice to help sculpt my body even more i mean get leaner.
No because until you get your diet under control, your muscles will be covered up by fat.
That is correct. Loosing weight is mostly a willpower game.
hi my friend.
how can i get back my willpower specially if ive gone through a mental illness phase within which i gained weight ?

as far as i remember my will power was perfectly fine before my illness.