I am not pushing myself


Senior Master
Since I am teaching TKD my feet are not as bad as one or two months ago, yes, I only teach I don't train anymore (for the moment) and besides teachin the class I do with my two students calistecnics and stretching/flexibility exercises because I need this to show the correct way of performig the kicking techs without hurting myself.

For almost 12 days I've walking without the insoles the doctor gave me, and feeling not as unconfortable, the only days I suffer is when I got too involved in the class and this is when only one student shows up and I have to train with him or like the past kup examination that I was assiting sambunim and I was standing for almost 4-5 hours.

I want to train a little but I think is a wise thing to refrain to do it for a couple of months more, what do you think? Should I keep only teaching? or slowly train with my stidents or go back to black belt classes?

Glad you are not hurting anymore but sad to hear you stop training. Even if you only did a light workout to help you with your own personal growth.
Are you doing any physical therapy exercises in conjunction with a trainer or even at home by yourself? If not, I would look into that.
The only workout I am doing is with my students two times per week, little jogin with calistecnics (warm up) and elasticity/flexibility plus crunches, and showing/teaching the techs that's all.

Offcourse I would like to reincorporate to the black belt classes however they are too physically demanding for my feet.

I've been thinking next january or febraury I could train tuesday and thursday nights (black belt class) from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm and then teach my own class, however 3 hours standing plus the pounding on my feet can be too much. maybe I should try and see how my feet take it.

I've been there brother. Injuries are no fun. But you just have to give yourself time to heal. It sucks, but if you rush back too early you'll just end up missing more in the long run. Push yourself, yes. Rehabilitate. But if you're ever not sure you have to err on the side of caution.

I'm struggling myself with recovering from a catastrophic knee injury, and I get so jealous watching the young cubs at play. I long to get my claws wet. And sometimes I can't help myself and I jump into a sparring or grappling match, but overall I try to be patient. I'll get there quicker by going slow now.

My wife told me to consider what I say to one of my students if they came to me with a serious injury and wanted to train. Wouldn't I tell him to rest and be careful? Isn't that because it's the right advice? Sometimes we forget to pay attention to the lessons we teach.

If you're asking for permission, it's because you know better. You'll know when your body is ready, it's telling you where it's at all the time. Just listen.

Manny, your health comes first!
You are still involved, and even a little warmup etc helps a great deal, as well as demonstrating the techniques. Personally I'd avoid jogging though at all cost. It's murder on the feet and knees! There are better alternatives with less impact, maybe consult the old material from Jane Fonda ;)

Keep on keeping on!
I've been there brother. Injuries are no fun. But you just have to give yourself time to heal. It sucks, but if you rush back too early you'll just end up missing more in the long run. Push yourself, yes. Rehabilitate. But if you're ever not sure you have to err on the side of caution.

I'm struggling myself with recovering from a catastrophic knee injury, and I get so jealous watching the young cubs at play. I long to get my claws wet. And sometimes I can't help myself and I jump into a sparring or grappling match, but overall I try to be patient. I'll get there quicker by going slow now.

My wife told me to consider what I say to one of my students if they came to me with a serious injury and wanted to train. Wouldn't I tell him to rest and be careful? Isn't that because it's the right advice? Sometimes we forget to pay attention to the lessons we teach.

If you're asking for permission, it's because you know better. You'll know when your body is ready, it's telling you where it's at all the time. Just listen.


Thank you Rob and Granfire too. I will do what I am doing till today, teaching and doing the judge thing in the tournaments, I will try to stick at dojang afther the class I teach and do some poomsae, I need to learn Taebek and I think It's better train solo for a while than do nothing at all.
