Hyperlyte Gi?


Black Belt
Anyone wear these? I'm in the market for a sturdy, but lightweight Gi. I was looking at the Fuji Suparaito as a guy I train with was wearing one last week and it seemed very nice, but I don't like the color scheme for the blue version, and I will probably buy more than one.


GiReviews.net has them as one of their top summer weight gis, but I would love some first hand experience if anyone has it.
I have two 450 g pearl weave kimonos. One Moyà Brand and the other Vandal. The Moyà is blue and is the one I've had for awhile. It has twill pants. I thought the 450 g was heavy for the longest time but came to appreciate the durability and how much is helps absorb my sweat. I'm one of those guys who sweats buckets. I train at a UFC gym now and corporate started pushing for people to wear UFC branded kimonos. I was rather annoyed having to drop the money on a second kimono and got a black Vandal that is also 450 g pearl weave but the pants are rip stop. The pants are sooo much more comfortable than twill ones. My point is I think the lighter gis are great in theory but as a big guy (6' 1" 200 lbs) I appreciate a stronger material that will get pulled on and run through a washer hundreds of times.
I have two 450 g pearl weave kimonos. One Moyà Brand and the other Vandal. The Moyà is blue and is the one I've had for awhile. It has twill pants. I thought the 450 g was heavy for the longest time but came to appreciate the durability and how much is helps absorb my sweat. I'm one of those guys who sweats buckets. I train at a UFC gym now and corporate started pushing for people to wear UFC branded kimonos. I was rather annoyed having to drop the money on a second kimono and got a black Vandal that is also 450 g pearl weave but the pants are rip stop. The pants are sooo much more comfortable than twill ones. My point is I think the lighter gis are great in theory but as a big guy (6' 1" 200 lbs) I appreciate a stronger material that will get pulled on and run through a washer hundreds of times.

That's kind of balls by the way. Having to buy the branded gi.
That's kind of balls by the way. Having to buy the branded gi.
Yeah it's pretty crap. Apparently they were supposed to be doing it for awhile but corporate kept crying. I keep the positive - I was looking at getting another gi anyways. My blue Moya can be my travel gi/I can go back to it when I move again in 3 yrs.
Yeah it's pretty crap. Apparently they were supposed to be doing it for awhile but corporate kept crying. I keep the positive - I was looking at getting another gi anyways. My blue Moya can be my travel gi/I can go back to it when I move again in 3 yrs.

It does stink, particularly in your case of already having several Gi's. Gracie Barra does the same, and their Gi's are not cheap either.

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