Gi Recommendations?

Ok this is what sucks about buying Gi's. One Gi from the SAME company shrinks 10% and another doesn't shrink at all. What I'm hoping is that the A5 will be BIG and then I'll stick it in the wash and dryer a couple times to get a final size.
Well that would be a first. I've probably a dozen Gi's since I started martial arts 15 years ago and every one has shrunk - most by about 10% Hot water Hot dryer....
I dont know if this is pertinent or not, but the Mizuno Kano Judogi is remarkable. Very comfortable and breathable. I don't know if it is useful for Jiu-jitsu though, but it serves me well for judo/sombo.
I agree the Minzo is a great Gi. I actually have a Fugi which is a copy of the minzo. It only cost $60 and it's awesome. It's a Judo Gi and a lot of Jiu-Jitsu practitioners use them. However, the Minzo is BIG bucks.

I finally got my A5 Atama. The pants are big but have a drawstring on them. But Yes it did shrink!! I say it shrunk by about 10%-15% (no kidding); The sleeves originally went about half way down my fingers. After a soak, a wash and a hot dry they are now just past my wrist - about a 3" shrink!!

The Gi is very strong and very light and I'm going to roll in it for the first time tomorrow.
Well the Atama is great!! The only drawback is the size of the pants - WAY too big. But you can mix and match when you buy. Too bad I didn't know how it all fit before I paid for shipping. It's a very strong Gi and very thick. In the hot summer months it may be a real sweat machine. So I was looking at the Keiko Raca Gi's for a summer kimono. I found one for $120 but shipping is always shooting the price up. Anyone know of an affordable dealer?
I´m looking at ordering aGameness or Sirius Gi in the next couple of days but can´t makeup my mind. has been a great help in narrowing down the field, I´d recommend anyone with something good or bad to say about a particular brand do so here, especially the lesser known brands people are always wondering about.

My only hesitation surrounding which of the 2 to get, is that the Gameness is apparently awesomely cut, resilient, and great for hot weather *im australian*, but, it comes with a bunch of patches sown on, and my school is pretty low key and not huge on that kind of thing, I suppose I could unpick the patches. The sirius gi looks simple, well made, well priced with the nice jujitsu symbols embroidered on the back, which is a nice touch without being overkill.

well, any feedback or thoughts would be appreciated, here or via pm.


- BJ

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