>From: "Jeff Blay" <jblay1@nycap.rr.com>
>Subject: Mr. Planas
>JK Kenpo Instructor Training. With The Master Of The Arts!
>Richard "Huk" Planas
>Mark your Calendars And Learn The why and why nots!
>March 29& 30, Sept 27, 28, Nov.1, 2
>If you are at Kenpo this is a must!
>Work with Mr. Planas and learn the why and why not's. This is a must for
people at Kenpo. From forms to Techniques. Please call and book your spot.
Friday is for everyone, Saturday is by invitation. If you are an instructor
and want to be included in Saturday's training call to qualify. Jeff Blay at
JK Kenpo Karate 518-370-4757
>Friday March 29th 2002
>(If you do Saturday N/C for Friday Night)
>Cost $20.00
>JK Kenpo Karate
>1053 Kings Rd.
>Schenectady NY 12303
>Work with Mr. Planas
>6:30pm to 8:30pm
>Saturday March 30th 2002
>Cost $120
>Reservations Only
>JK Kenpo Karate
>1053 Kings Rd.
>Schenectady NY 12303
>10:30 - 12pm Review
>12pm -1:30 Lunch
>1:30 - 3pm work
>3 - 3:30 Break
>3:30 - 5pm work
>5pm Close Training
>Hotel Information
>Rotterdam Motor Inn
>Super 8 Motel
>Each place is about 2.5 miles away from school
>Subject: Mr. Planas
>JK Kenpo Instructor Training. With The Master Of The Arts!
>Richard "Huk" Planas
>Mark your Calendars And Learn The why and why nots!
>March 29& 30, Sept 27, 28, Nov.1, 2
>If you are at Kenpo this is a must!
>Work with Mr. Planas and learn the why and why not's. This is a must for
people at Kenpo. From forms to Techniques. Please call and book your spot.
Friday is for everyone, Saturday is by invitation. If you are an instructor
and want to be included in Saturday's training call to qualify. Jeff Blay at
JK Kenpo Karate 518-370-4757
>Friday March 29th 2002
>(If you do Saturday N/C for Friday Night)
>Cost $20.00
>JK Kenpo Karate
>1053 Kings Rd.
>Schenectady NY 12303
>Work with Mr. Planas
>6:30pm to 8:30pm
>Saturday March 30th 2002
>Cost $120
>Reservations Only
>JK Kenpo Karate
>1053 Kings Rd.
>Schenectady NY 12303
>10:30 - 12pm Review
>12pm -1:30 Lunch
>1:30 - 3pm work
>3 - 3:30 Break
>3:30 - 5pm work
>5pm Close Training
>Hotel Information
>Rotterdam Motor Inn
>Super 8 Motel
>Each place is about 2.5 miles away from school