Huk Planas in Schenectady, New York

I'll be at this seminar as well. Jaybacca is talking about going too. What about you?
JK Kenpo Instructor Training. With The Master Of The Arts!
Richard "Huk" Planas
Learn The why and why nots!
Sept 27, 28, Nov.1, 2
If you are at Kenpo this is a must!
Work with Mr. Planas and learn the why and why notÂ’s. This is a must for people at Kenpo. From forms to Techniques. Please call and book your spot. Friday is for everyone, Saturday is by invitation. If you are an instructor and want to be included in SaturdayÂ’s training call to qualify. Jeff Blay at JK Kenpo Karate 518-370-4757
Friday September 27th 2002
Cost $20.00
JK Kenpo Karate
1053 Kings Rd.
Schenectady NY 12303
Work with Mr. Planas
6:30pm to 8:30pm
Saturday September 28th 2002
Cost $120
Reservations Only
JK Kenpo Karate
1053 Kings Rd.
Schenectady NY 12303
10:30 – 12pm Review
12pm –1:30 Lunch
1:30 – 3pm work
3 – 3:30 Break
3:30 – 5pm work
5pm Close Training
Hotel Information
Rotterdam Motor Inn
Super 8 Motel
Each place is about 2.5 miles away from school
This is the second of an ongoing series of Instructor seminars hosted by Mr. Blay!
Mr. Planas holds these regulary at other studios as well.

This would be the perfect time to get on board, start at the begining and work your way up!
Sounds like another good event which I will have to miss due to work. I can't wait for grape season to end so I can have some saturdays off.
Tell the Swedes we say 'hi' back!

......not that you asked about us at all, but thought I would just ignore that part! mmmmmmmmmmmm...
Originally posted by Roland

Tell the Swedes we say 'hi' back!

......not that you asked about us at all, but thought I would just ignore that part! mmmmmmmmmmmm...

They told me that they don't speak to Canadians!

:viking1: :viking2: :viking3:
Originally posted by Renegade
They told me that they don't speak to Canadians!
:viking1: :viking2: :viking3:

Ingmar is a dead man.
:cuss: :jedi1:
I was drinking milk when I read that and now it's all over the place!
Well, here we go, 1 am, about 7 hours earlier than planned, but anyone else going to New York, we will see you very soon!

Loking forward to the trip, but not sure about Gou here, he is a little tooexcited if you ask me, which of course no one here did.

Have a great weekend folks.
I know we will!

:iws: :drinkbeer
8 hours of driving, 4 hours of sleep, 3 hours of training, several hours of driknig and eating, 6 more hours of sleep, 8 hours of orange belt techniques that make me say "duh", some quick showers, lots of Chinese food, and more beer, plus staying up with Huk & Gou till 3 and 4 am talking (if you can consider Huk attacking Gou with a kitchen knife talking about "changing your lead").
then some more sleep, good byes, and 7 1/2 hours more travel to get back.

A great time was had by all. Made some new friends, saw some familar faces. Must have been 15 of us there training.

Thank you Jeff & Tina Blay for putting on a great event.
And thank you Huk Planas for your teaching and talk time!
Originally posted by Roland
8 hours of driving

Yeah, that drive is a bit of a killer. That's why it's nice to have people to go with.

Originally posted by Roland
some quick showers

Oh you lying S.O.B.! You never had a quick shower in your life! Ha ha ha! Keep fibbing and you'll wake up with a cheese wheel in your bed.

Originally posted by Roland
plus staying up with Huk & Gou till 3 and 4 am talking (if you can consider Huk attacking Gou with a kitchen knife talking about "changing your lead")

Mental note to self. Stop asking Huk, "What do you mean? Show me."

A perfectly good shirt ruined. He kept stabbing me. I thought he'd use like a pen or something but noooooo! He pulled a real knife out of the drawer.

Originally posted by Roland
then some more sleep, good byes, and 7 1/2 hours more travel to get back.

But the fudge man! The fudge made it all worthwhile!

Originally posted by Roland
Thank you Jeff & Tina Blay for putting on a great event.
And thank you Huk Planas for your teaching and talk time!

I can't even begin to explain the fun we had. From me sneaking off to watch Jeff and Huk do their private lessons, (note - I have to say that once you're caught watching, you're labelled a dead man. Also known as, "training dummy") The Blay's once again out did themselves for an awesome seminar.

These instructor seminars are the best I have been to. I think a lot of instructors ought to check out the format and start doing them. I think that a lot of people ought to start going to them.
JK Kenpo Instructor Training. With The Master Of The Arts!
Mr. Richard "Huk" Planas
Mark your Calendars And Learn The why and why nots!
Nov.1, 2
If you are at Kenpo this is a must!
For More Dates go to
Thank you for the help in supporting the Instructors Instructor. With out you it would not work!
Mr. Blay!

This is a must for people at Kenpo. From forms to Techniques. Please call and book your spot. Friday is for everyone, Saturday is by invitation. If you are an instructor and want to be included in SaturdayÂ’s training call to qualify. Jeff Blay at JK Kenpo Karate 518-370-4757
Friday Nov 1, 2002
Cost $20.00
JK Kenpo Karate
1053 Kings Rd.
Schenectady NY 12303
Work with Mr. Planas
6:30pm to 8:30pm
Saturday Nov. 2, 2002
Cost $120
Reservations Only
JK Kenpo Karate
1053 Kings Rd.
Schenectady NY 12303
10:30 – 12pm Review
12pm –1:30 Lunch
1:30 – 3pm work
3 – 3:30 Break
3:30 – 5pm work
5pm Close Training
Hotel Information
Rotterdam Motor Inn
Super 8 Motel
Each place is about 2.5 miles away from school
I was just about to paste the cut I did earlier of this very same flyer.
You sneaky bastich!
Ah well, hope to see you all there!
Will be another great time!

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