How would you select the national team?


Purple Belt
How would you select the national team? Currently the US national team selection is a competitive selection process? What would you change in the selection process? Coaches selection like Gymnastics? or a specific change in the process like coaches input to the referee selection process?
It should be a selection based on competition with no one given a free pass for any reasons. (no advanced placement, etc.) That would ensure that the best rise to the top based on performance.
It should be based on actual bias tournament results, but that will never happen as long as one org. has the power to run everything. It should not be based off one fight off, but over a year of competition between all competitors and then have the top five in each wieght class come together and let the best rise to the top. The problem with this is referees sometimes can be persauded to see things differently and not be bias but jump on the bandwagon for one or two particular athletes. There should never be any doubt about an outcome and if there is go to replay and see the fight and make the adjustments and be fair across the board. Too many times we leave it up to judges that have no business in the ring, they have been breach since way before any tournament and have to many closed eyes. We should ranked the potential by tournament results and have a schedule at least two years out wxplaining which tournaments will be used for the points towards a fight off. TX_BB you know I respect alot of the refs. but even you know sometimes an athlete will get a pass because of who they are and who there instructor or coach is.

I also believe the door should be open for all athlete no-matter which org they choose to belong to. I would love to see the best from AAU USAT and the other orgs really getting together to form a true National team for the US, not just the USAT we should take the best possible athlete no-matter what and that is a true waste because all these orgs cannot put there egos a side and work together. My god not even alot of the so called Master and GM can do it, TKD is doomed until they start to remember we are all working for the common good the athletes.
Multiple competitions with the best men and women making it. No free passes just because you won the year before.

Also the national team is one thing, that encludes all weight divisons but the Olympic team is another, as that only has 4 slots open. How do you select the Olympic team is a better question.
Multiple competitions with the best men and women making it. No free passes just because you won the year before.

Also the national team is one thing, that encludes all weight divisons but the Olympic team is another, as that only has 4 slots open. How do you select the Olympic team is a better question.

For me the Olympic team should be based off of tournament results for all the athletes and take the highest % instead of who they are. I also believe the OC needs to widen the competition for all wieght classes and not just four athlete, why should we not send eight men and eight women to every game if they qualify with enough international events. I would love to see the best at the Olympics in every wieght class not the choosen few.
For me the Olympic team should be based off of tournament results for all the athletes and take the highest % instead of who they are. I also believe the OC needs to widen the competition for all wieght classes and not just four athlete, why should we not send eight men and eight women to every game if they qualify with enough international events. I would love to see the best at the Olympics in every wieght class not the choosen few.
Can't argue with that.