How would you have restrained this guy?

I'm a little confused that no charges were pressed. I used to work at the airport myself. And, even well before 9/11, joking about having a bomb resulted in a prompt visit from the police.

Seems to me that anyone else smoking aboard a flight or making such a joke would have faced much harsher consequences.

I'm a little confused that no charges were pressed. I used to work at the airport myself. And, even well before 9/11, joking about having a bomb resulted in a prompt visit from the police.

Seems to me that anyone else smoking aboard a flight or making such a joke would have faced much harsher consequences.


Diplomatic immunity.
I'm a little confused that no charges were pressed. I used to work at the airport myself. And, even well before 9/11, joking about having a bomb resulted in a prompt visit from the police.

Seems to me that anyone else smoking aboard a flight or making such a joke would have faced much harsher consequences.


Diplomatic immunity.

Which I think it complete, total BS! Given the nature of the incident, to let this clown get away with it is a damn shame IMHO. Either the guy is so dumb and clueless that he is that unaware of the terrorist situation or he just doesnt give a ****.
Qatar diplomat smokes in plane bathroom; sets off nation-wide terror scare with 'shoe bomb' gag

What makes me angry is that jerk had the gall to light a butt in the first place and that he should know better considering what he does for a living.

If you were facing this person, what type of techniques would you use to restrain this guy?

There is one requirement. No striking.

Out of curiosity, why no striking? But if thats what we're going with, then IMO, I'd say that in a case like this, overwhelming the person as quickly as possible, is the best way to go. Rush the guy, grab him and slam him to the ground. As for what I'd use to restrain him...whatever hurts the most. :D I'll leave that to your imagination. ;)
Which I think it complete, total BS! Given the nature of the incident, to let this clown get away with it is a damn shame IMHO. Either the guy is so dumb and clueless that he is that unaware of the terrorist situation or he just doesn't give a ****.
He's addicted to nicotine, and he don't give a ****
I think there may be more to this than meets the eye; or it could be total coincidence. You be the judge.

The Qatari diplomat who was arrested for sarcastically telling air marshals on a jetliner that he was trying to set his shoes on fire was en route to visit an imprisoned member of al Qaeda at the Supermax prison in Colorado.

Nothing like a little test of our reflexes by a guy who CANNOT BE PROSECUTED, eh?
Since you said no striking, it is going to depend on how he resists. If he gives mea finger, I will break it. If he gives me an arm, I will break it. If he gives me his neack, I will break it.

You seeing a pattern here? Since I can't strike him, can I stab him with a pen or pencil?
He's addicted to nicotine, and he don't give a ****
This is why they make Snus and Orbs... No excuse.

Another thing about diplomatic immunity, it means WE can put him through our CJ system, it doesn't mean he won't be punished. His own country might pursue charges against him. Then again it might take some political pressure from the US to get the country to press charges.
Out of curiosity, why no striking? But if thats what we're going with, then IMO, I'd say that in a case like this, overwhelming the person as quickly as possible, is the best way to go. Rush the guy, grab him and slam him to the ground. As for what I'd use to restrain him...whatever hurts the most. :D I'll leave that to your imagination. ;)

My thinking is that in that type of situation you want to end the situation immediately. If it means putting him in a rear naked choke or putting him in a armbar in order to induce compliance, so be it. I figure you get more control of the situation using those techniques.

Of course one could argue knocking his *** out out is a real quick way to get control and to make sure the idiot doesn't cause any more trouble.

You make a good point about slamming people into the ground. Because that is technically strike. When I think of strikes I think punches, kicks, elbows. head butts and anything else you can throw at a human being.
Not sure if this was mentioned, but he was either brought back to his homeland by his people or "asked" to leave by the US. Either way, he won't have the opportunity to do it again. FWIW.
No striking this moron? Not an option, some people deserve a good one.


If I were convinced he was about to set off a bomb on a plane, the last thing I'd be worried about would be the method used for ending the threat.

In all reality it depends on the angle of attack and it is difficult to consider a one type fits all circumstances approach. coming up from behind would make it difficult to grab the wrists / arms. A hard fist to the back of the head would be a possible solution. coming up from the front I might try to grab / lock / break the arm holding the cigarette.
Considering its bomb threat on his person is the scenario, then we would have to disable his hand/arm function immediately.
Something like the Ortiz slam against Evan Tanner that put him out immediately, remember that one :)
straight after a rush tackle or something.

Tough question throwing in no striking, first thing that comes to mind is to take the threat out asap..
I would rather be judged by twelve than carried by six!!
Not sure if this was mentioned, but he was either brought back to his homeland by his people or "asked" to leave by the US. Either way, he won't have the opportunity to do it again. FWIW.

As far as I know it hadn`t been brought up yet, but I`m glad he`s been sent home no matter who`s decision it was. The guy was a diplomat, he`s supposed to know better than to pull that crap.
He's addicted to nicotine, and he don't give a ****

This is why they make Snus and Orbs... No excuse.

Another thing about diplomatic immunity, it means WE can put him through our CJ system, it doesn't mean he won't be punished. His own country might pursue charges against him. Then again it might take some political pressure from the US to get the country to press charges.

You are definitely right on that. With all the publicity on lit objects aboard an airplane, this guy is (1) an idiot, or (2) has an agenda. In either case, he is lucky the air marshals got to him first.
Does a snapdown that causes his face to bounce off the deck and then a knee-drop onto the back of his neck count as "striking?" :D