If you were Buakaw's trainer, what would you have him do?

And he's still BIG right there.

But, no matter, anybody can get choked out if you get their back. And with big guys - sometimes it's way too scary thinking about not finishing that choke.
Actually, I need to make a correction... The difference in his physique seems small. My bad. I was looking at an isolated internet picture.
Assuming he is training for a fight, he will be following this schedule 6 days a week:

4:30: Wake up, Run
5:00: Training Session 1
7:00: Nap
8:30: Wake up, Breakfast, Personal Time
10:30: Training Session 2
12:30: Lunch Break, Personal Time
4:30: Training Session 3
6:30: Dinner, Personal Time
9:30: Bed Time

This schedule allows for 6.5 h of training a day, including running for 30 minutes. Training sessions can cover on rotation:

Sparring, Pad work, heavy bag work, weight training, calisthenics, rope jumping, shadow boxing, stretching, etc.

In preparation for a fight, training session 1 will be dedicated to a mix of pad work and heavy bag work, training session 2 will be for weightlifting, calisthenics, and stretching, and training session 3 could be either sparring or something else.

For weightlifting:

Workout A:

Weighted Box Jumps 5 x 15
Bench Press 5 x 5
Bent Over Row 5 x 15

Workout B:

Clean and Press 5 x 15
Muscle Ups (weighted) 10 x max
Shrugs 5 x 50

Workout A is done Mon, Wed, Fri. Workout B is done Tue, Thu, Sat. Workouts should not take more than 45 minutes. 30 second rest between sets. 15 minutes after workout is dedicated to stretching and massage.
Have him carry a refrigerator up 8 flights of stairs. BY HIMSELF.

Worked for this guy, among other things of course :)
6 feet, 4 inches tall, 286 lbs, 887-2 record. The most dominant athlete of all time, in any sport IMO.
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Even if they are rare, do you think you can name a few fighters out there who are just such a person?

Randy Couture comes to my mind. The guy was fairly muscular. And his skills earned him a legendary status in the sport of Mixed Martial Arts.
I remember a YouTube video with guy looking like a bodybuilder going to spar. Surprisingly, he was very very flexible (could split legs), could kick and move really well, easily.

I don’t follow very much combat sports, so I can’t name good examples.

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