How would you handle this?

This sounds to me like a basic etiquette problem. In addition to the other suggestions, it would be nice to hand out a revamped etiquette flier for parents and guests (no cellphone usage in the viewing area, guests are asked to be quiet and respectful of the class and instructors, etc.)...

Lynne has nailed it right on the head IMHO. Etiquette has gone from a series of conventions that were broadly understood to something which has to be enforced.

  • I once walked into one of our large kids' classes at one of our locations, where a parent, standing to the side, was actually yelling into a cellphone to be heard over the sound of the class. I asked him to take the call outside.
  • Once I was teaching a small group of beginners when I could hear music blasting through headphones of the older brother of one of my students. He was sitting on a bench near us when I told him to turn the volume down or take it outside.
  • Many is the time I've put up my hand to stop a parent from walking across the floor or mats to speak to an instructor or a student in line-up.
I only teach martial arts when time permits -- I am also an elementary school teacher certified for Kindergarten to grade eight. Before that I was a community college teacher where I taught post-secondary English. Over the years I've become iron-clad in my resolve that nobody -- but nobody -- interrupts a a class I'm teaching unless they're carrying a fire extinguisher.

Depending on your comfort level, and your relationship with your school owner, I think it would be appropriate to inform the SO that he is not to interrupt your classes. Period. Failing that, speak to your school owner and have him pass the same message along.
Thank you all for your replies. Has been a little crazy getting ready for my trip to Okinawa so I have not had time to post my thanks. Long of the short this will be addressed as soon as I come back with the help of the owner of the school.

In the spirit of bushido!


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