How to know you're a child of the 80's

How about....

The Master series
The birth of "Ninja" movies
Sho Kosugi (Who is not even Japanese)

I see the "A Team" mentioned alot, my favorite was "Howl'n mad Murdoc".

The Phrase "I love it when a plan comes together!"

Oh, I remember the Ninja magazines
SOF (Soldier of Fortune) magazine was very popular then
bydand said:
Miami Vice? You really meant Magnum PI didn't you! Man, I almost hate to admit I liked that show, but I did. 1980; I'm 17 and a show about a guy who lives on a plantation - IN HAWAII, drives a hot car, has beautiful women around, and no "real job"; man I STILL want to be him! LOL
Damn straight! Magnum was old-school and I like that but for me, he just wasn't eighties enough for the 80s ;) Now Miami Vice - a coupla sexy cops, sartorially impeccable, a banging MTV soundtrack, drugs, speedboats, gambling, sex...*salivates*

I mean it was everything the 80s was about and was a show that blazed the trail like no other, you'd gimme that surely! Hehe! :D

bydand said:
Miami Vice? You really meant Magnum PI didn't you! Man, I almost hate to admit I liked that show, but I did. 1980; I'm 17 and a show about a guy who lives on a plantation - IN HAWAII, drives a hot car, has beautiful women around, and no "real job"; man I STILL want to be him! LOL

Magnum PI? Sorry...I couldn't get past the really LOUD Hawaiian shirts Tom Selleck wore. Besides, Sonny Crockett had a MUCH cooler car. ;)

The scary thing is that I also kinda dressed like Crockett at times - and I'm a girl. I also wanted to become a detective because of "Miami Vice" (though it wound up not happening).
Swordlady said:
Magnum PI? Sorry...I couldn't get past the really LOUD Hawaiian shirts Tom Selleck wore. Besides, Sonny Crockett had a MUCH cooler car. ;)

The scary thing is that I also kinda dressed like Crockett at times - and I'm a girl. I also wanted to become a detective because of "Miami Vice" (though it wound up not happening).
Amen to that SL! :)

2004hemi said:
YaÂ’ll left out
Buck Rogers, Air Wolf, Blue Thunder, Knight Rider, Transformers, Go Bots, (toys and shows) I remember the facts of life, small wonder, Alf, 3Â’s company. And some of the best Rock songs of all time, Atari 2600 then the first generation Nintendo, commodore 64, Apple 2E (I still have one LOL) Bank street writer (Long before we had Microsoft word)

I do kind of miss the 80Â’s it was a cool time to grow up.

Not only did the 80's have some of the best rock songs, it also had THE best sitcoms: The Facts of Life (my personal favorite), The Cosby Show, Family Times, Cheers, Night Court, etc.

My brother has my old Atari 2600 (the console still works, but the joysticks don't), and I want it back!
I'm not certain if it's PC nowadays to admit liking Diff'rent Strokes, but who cares. I liked it!

Yeah, some of the best "easy viewing" sitcoms were from the 80s too:
Moonlighting [when Bruce Willis looked like something]
Roseanne [when it was funny and not up it's a$$]

And top drama for me:
Hill Street Blues... Be careful out there people!

I hate to admit it but... Fame? I knew I shouldn't but I couldn't stop watching! *oooh leotards* Hehe.

80s movies were a thing to behold:
Top Gun
The Breakfast Club / St Elmo's Fire [yeah I was a major bratpack fan]
The Lost Boys
Back to the Future
Mad Max
and of course, Karate Kid

Alas some of the 80s stuff hasn't aged well. Still, who says shoulder pads aren't just as relevant today?

Ha! I was born in 1981 and can relate, either personally or seeing my older sibling do/watch it, to most things on the child of the 80's AND 90's lists! Good times. :)

Robyn :)
The Opal Dragon said:
Ha! I was born in 1981 and can relate, either personally or seeing my older sibling do/watch it, to most things on the child of the 80's AND 90's lists! Good times. :)

Robyn :)

Wow! Thanks for making me feel really old. Ah 1981, I remember it well, my senior year in High School... Oh wait, I guess I really DON'T remember it too well now that I think of it. LOL
The other day at work the guys I work with started to give some static since I am the youngest. They are all 44 and over and I am well a little younger. Anyway they were talking about the old push in oil can spouts back in the day when oil came in cans made of paper but had metal ends. Well they were talking about how that was before my time and I had to burst their bubble. I do remember that and the plastic cover that you could place on the end of the gas pump so that we could pump leaded gas in an unleaded car.

I was thinking of some of the other stuff that kids today missed out on like a TV with no remote. Switching from UHF to VHF, Top loading VCR’s, not having cell phones. I remember minimum wage being $3.25 an hour gas being $89.9 per gal. Having a Party phone line, I remember in 1980 my dad bought a new ¾ ton Dodge Ram single cab (that’s the only way they came) 4x4 with a snow plow for $12,500. My mom about freaked at the amount the truck cost. That same truck today would be close to $40,000
Swordlady said:
You're a child of the 80's if...

Swordlady said:
- You had a crush on one of the New Kids on the Block members.

Nope... sadly, I am too old...

Swordlady said:
- You wanted to be on StarSearch. (Come on, we all did)

No more than I understand, or want to be on, its modern-day counterpart.

Swordlady said:
- You can remember what Michael Jackson looked like before his nose fell off. Or even when he had those freaky eyes in "Thriller" at the end of the video.

Okay, you've got me there... I remember Michael Jackson as a young boy in the Jackson Five.

Swordlady said:
- You wore a banana clip or one of those slap on wrist bands at some point during your youth.


Swordlady said:
- You wore french rolls on the bottom of your splatter painted jeans.

Thankfully, never.

Swordlady said:
- You had slouch socks, and puff painted your own shirt at least once.

Okay, I'll admit to the slouch socks... but it was all my sister's fault!

Swordlady said:
- You owned a doll with "Xavier Roberts" signed on it's butt.

I never owned a Cabbage Patch Kid... but I do remember my father going to an airdrop of them in a local stadium to get one for each of my younger cousins (younger by 10 and 12 years).

Swordlady said:
- You knew what Arnold was "talkin' 'bout."

All too true!

Swordlady said:
- You know the profound meaning of "Wax on, Wax off."

Yeah... but I own it, so that doesn't mean anything, does it!?!?!?!?

Swordlady said:
- You can name at least half of the members of the elite "Brat Pack."

Yes - but they were pretty much all in the movie version of The Outsiders, which is in my middle school's Language Arts curriculum, and I just watched it a couple of weeks ago, right after they finished the novel.

Swordlady said:
- You can remember watching "Full House" and "Saved by the Bell" for endless hours.

Thankfully, I had too much taste for either show!

Swordlady said:
- You have seen at least 10 episodes of "Fraggle Rock".

I know what it was, but never really watched it - again, I am too old... sigh...

Swordlady said:
- You know that another name for a keyboard is a "Synthesizer."

True - and I had one! Still do, actually.

Swordlady said:
- You hold a special place in your heart for "Back to the Future."


Swordlady said:
- You know where to go if you "wanna go where everybody knows your name."

Hey, I liked Cheers, until they messed with the cast list and sold the bar... it just wasn't the same after that.

Swordlady said:
- You thought Molly Ringwald was REALLY cool. (Was there an 80's movie she WASN'T in?)

Not one about teens, anyway.

Swordlady said:
- You know what "Sike" means.

Huh? Not a clue.

Swordlady said:
- You fell victim to 80's fashion: big hair, crimped, combed over to the side, and you wore spandex pants

Thankfully, I avoided this!

Swordlady said:
- You wanted to be a Goonie ("Goonies never say die.")

Never wanted a Goonie... did want a Mogwai, however.

Swordlady said:
- You've heard of Garbage Pail Kids.

Heard of them, yes... remember anything about them... thankfully, no.

Swordlady said:
- You knew "The Artist" when he was humbly called "Prince."

Yeah... I worked in a movie theater during high school when Purple Rain came out.

Swordlady said:
- You actually saw Ted Danson as the MacDaddy he played "Sam" to be.

I actually have no clue what this is referring to... and that's okay with me!

Swordlady said:
- You ever wore flourescent-neon if you will clothing...(or nailpolish)


Swordlady said:
- You could breakdance, or wished you could.

Not really.

Swordlady said:
- You know who Max Headroom is.


Swordlady said:
- You remember when ATARI 2600 was a state of the art video game system. (Remember Pong?)

Remember Pong? I owned a Pong game!

Swordlady said:
- You know all the words to "ice ice baby".

Uh... what?

Swordlady said:
- You remember M.C Hammer.

Sort of.

Swordlady said:
- You can still sing the rap to "Fresh Prince of BelAir".

Happily, I've blocke that out.

Swordlady said:
- You own any cassettes.

A few.

Swordlady said:
- You were led to believe that in the year 2000 we'd all be living on the moon.

Certainly - you mean, we don't?!?!?!?!?!?!

Swordlady said:
- You remember and/or own any of the CareBear Glass collection from Pizza Hut.


Swordlady said:
- Poltergeist freaked you out.

Definitely - especially as my friend and I were going to see ET, but it was sold out - the switch to Poltergeist was quite a shock to my system!

Swordlady said:
- You carried your lunch to school in a Gremlins or an ET lunchbox.


Swordlady said:
- You have ever pondered why Smurfette was the ONLY female smurf.

I did kinda wonder about that one.

Swordlady said:
- You wanted to communicate with some being named Cinergy, or you wanted green hair like that lead singer of the Misfits.


Swordlady said:
- You know what a Doozer is.

No - and I still don't... and please, don't feel you need to enlighten me!

Swordlady said:
- You wore biker shorts underneath a short skirt and felt stylish.

Ick. Never.

Swordlady said:
- You ever had a Swatch Watch.

Guilty - the first watch I didn't overwind.

Swordlady said:
- You actually spent countless hours trying to perfect the "Care Bear stare."

Eeeuwww... no.

Swordlady said:
- You had a crush on one of the Coreys (Haim or Feldman).


Swordlady said:
- You remember when Saturday Night Live was funny.


Swordlady said:
- You had WonderWoman or Superman underoos.

Nope - but I do remember the Wonder Woman TV show.

Swordlady said:
- You wanted to be The Hulk for Halloween.

Not really a girl thing :-)

Swordlady said:
- You believed that "By the power of Greyskull, you HAD the power!"

After my childhoodl

Swordlady said:
- You thought that Transformers were more than meets the eye.

Again, I am too old.

Swordlady said:
- You know what a "Whammy" is. ("No Whammy, no Whammy, stop!!")


Swordlady said:
- Partying "like it's 1999" seemed SO far away.

Mcura said:
Erhem ...

Just whip it ... into shape! Shape it up ... get straight! Go forward! Move ahead! Try to de-TECT it! It's not too late ... To WHIP it. WHIP IT GOOD!!

I loved the outfits in the video. They were ahead of their time!
MartialIntent said:
I can't believe you guys!!

Come on now, roll your sleeves up, get rid of those socks, pull on the espadrilles and damn well get in that Ferrari and relish the memory of the singly coolest show on TV ever...



A great theme song too! A summer day...the car speakers blaring... Yeah! I could see it!

Yes! You're absolutely right. You have to scrunch the sleeves. Pastelle suits!
The sun will come out, Tomorrow
Bet you're bottom dollar that, Tomorrow
Come what man, Tomorrow, Tomorrow!
There's always tomorrow, Tomorrow, Tomorrow!
It's never more than a day away...

2004hemi said:
Ya’ll left out
Buck Rogers, Air Wolf, Blue Thunder, Knight Rider, Transformers, Go Bots, (toys and shows) I remember the facts of life, small wonder, Alf, 3’s company. And some of the best Rock songs of all time, Atari 2600 then the first generation Nintendo, commodore 64, Apple 2E (I still have one LOL) Bank street writer (Long before we had Microsoft word)

I do kind of miss the 80’s it was a cool time to grow up.

How about Basic for programming. In school plotting it out on paper.

Then, there was the little triangle (turtle), DOS, that would draw for you on Pea green screens....BEEP...SYNTAX ERROR....Damn it! What's wrong!?
bydand said:
Miami Vice? You really meant Magnum PI didn't you! Man, I almost hate to admit I liked that show, but I did. 1980; I'm 17 and a show about a guy who lives on a plantation - IN HAWAII, drives a hot car, has beautiful women around, and no "real job"; man I STILL want to be him! LOL

Voted sexiest man alive, for the run of the show, I believe! It was good to be him!
Bigshadow said:
How about....

The Master series
The birth of "Ninja" movies
Sho Kosugi (Who is not even Japanese)

I see the "A Team" mentioned alot, my favorite was "Howl'n mad Murdoc".

The Phrase "I love it when a plan comes together!"

Oh, I remember the Ninja magazines
SOF (Soldier of Fortune) magazine was very popular then

I ran around with a Ninja suit back then, You all did too! admit it!
MartialIntent said:
Damn straight! Magnum was old-school and I like that but for me, he just wasn't eighties enough for the 80s ;) Now Miami Vice - a coupla sexy cops, sartorially impeccable, a banging MTV soundtrack, drugs, speedboats, gambling, sex...*salivates*

I mean it was everything the 80s was about and was a show that blazed the trail like no other, you'd gimme that surely! Hehe! :D


YEP! Definitely a show of the times! But, the singing careers of the two cops....ugly!
Swordlady said:
Magnum PI? Sorry...I couldn't get past the really LOUD Hawaiian shirts Tom Selleck wore. Besides, Sonny Crockett had a MUCH cooler car. ;)

The scary thing is that I also kinda dressed like Crockett at times - and I'm a girl. I also wanted to become a detective because of "Miami Vice" (though it wound up not happening).

I wont argue about their cars, I wish I had either one!

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