Not exactly the same situation, but this is (I believe) a big reason why I wasn't able to get my 4th degree before I moved. My Master stopped having time to give me private lessons, kept pushing back my test dates.When I was a 1st Gup red belt, my original instructor had been completely checked out for over a year
He rarely taught the requirements we needed to learn at 3rd degree. Most of what my only peer (the other guy with as many gups as me) learned was from me. Most of what the other 3rd degrees learned (those with 0 or 1 gup) they learned from me. And when it came time to teach me something new, he didn't bother practicing it first, so every time he showed me he got something wrong. I know this because after doing something with him for the 5th time in a 5th way, I commented on it, and he said, "Oh yeah, I haven't done this in a while so I'm out of practice."
I believe that's a big part of why I'm in the situation I'm in now. In hindsight, maybe I shouldn't have told him I was planning on moving away after getting my 4th degree, but I also don't know that I could have done so in good conscience.