How to be Self-taught?

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To say I didn't teach myself chess because I didn't go about it blindly is nothing more than ignorant. Yes, I read chess books. I read Twenty of them and I took an online course and went to chess clubs regularly. I also rode my ten speed bicycle 50 miles to and from a chess gathering in a blizzard. I had nothing on my hands but fingerless bike gloves. Can you say you've dedicated yourself to martial arts to such an extent? Or do you just go to a nice comfortable dojo regularly for lessons?

i wasnt going to jump back into this pointless conversation but this statement kinda gets under my skin.

there are people here including myself who have had and live with some serious injuries because of their training and still get up the next day and train. some of us have traveled around the globe to get better training. you rode your bicycle in the winter LOL seriously ? try selling everything you own and leaving everyone you ever knew behind to travel to the other side of the planet to live in a crap hole in order to study a martial art. if you knew the daily schedual or the sacrifice many of us have given to train... your efforts in dedication are a fricken joke.
oh you read twenty books ? lol........i have a library of over 500 martial arts books as well as books for supplimental studies like anatomy, physics,stategy, phycology ect ect. not to mention the countless books i have read but just dont own..and the thing is there are many people here who own and have read more. you keep spouting off about dedication....dedication is measured over time. there are so many of us here who have trained day in and day out for 20, 30,40.50 years or more.
so i say to you and your dedication...hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahah and lol
To say I didn't teach myself chess because I didn't go about it blindly is nothing more than ignorant. Yes, I read chess books. I read Twenty of them and I took an online course and went to chess clubs regularly. I also rode my ten speed bicycle 50 miles to and from a chess gathering in a blizzard. I had nothing on my hands but fingerless bike gloves. Can you say you've dedicated yourself to martial arts to such an extent? Or do you just go to a nice comfortable dojo regularly for lessons?
You're digging yourself quite a hole. If your questions have been answered to your satisfaction, my friendly advice is to stop digging.

I will say, if you put the same time and energy into learning a martial art as you allege to have dedicated to learning chess, you'll be just fine. You had informal and formal instruction, and the added benefit of staying in shape on your bike. You acknowledge that you'll also need formal and informal instruction in a martial art even to develop moderate skill. Makes sense to me.
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