How simoltaneous are you?


Master Black Belt
Sep 14, 2006
Reaction score
How far do you take this concept? Do you just deflect a punch and return a punch simoltaneously? Or do you move the entire body simoltaneously?

Some chunners don't like to kick and deflect or punch at the same time feeling that your kick or your punch will lose power, that you'll lose your rooting or balance too easily.

How do you do it? More of a 1,2,3 set of motion or all together?
How far do you take this concept? Do you just deflect a punch and return a punch simoltaneously? Or do you move the entire body simoltaneously?

Deflect while attacking simultaneously. But I move my opponents body or structure (off their root) while deflecting. If they can't stand or remain rooted, they can't fight.

Some chunners don't like to kick and deflect or punch at the same time feeling that your kick or your punch will lose power, that you'll lose your rooting or balance too easily.

Depends on the situation, but you should always remain rooted. If you parry, punch and kick at the same time, you shouldn't lose your balance that easily. If you do, then you need to work more on your rooting.

How do you do it? More of a 1,2,3 set of motion or all together?

It should be done as one. If it's a 1, 2, 3, set of motions, then it's not Wing Chun.
I try to pounce in and attack with the punch first , the deflection is secondary and takes care of its self.
I work on stepping in and shooting that punch out as soon as he so much as twitches a muscle.

I prefer stepping in if the opponent is average height , but if he is some tall lanky dude then I am more inclined to use hand deflections with kicks to negate the reach advantage of his arms.

Its also a default mechanism with me in that if someone is matching my hand speed or I am having a bit of trouble breaking through then I will straight away start doing low heel kicks while simultaneously dealing with their arms , this gives them something else to think about.
Thankfully theres not many people around that can block both hand strikes and low kicks at the same time.
I try to pounce in and attack with the punch first, the deflection is secondary and takes care of its self.
I work on stepping in and shooting that punch out as soon as he so much as twitches a muscle...around that can block both hand strikes and low kicks at the same time.


Attack first, Explode forward and make your punch wedge in, so its a defense/deflection, an attack, and a trap/set up for the next punch... all in one explosive move.

The simplest technique in the world can be the best... if done right.

Thankfully there's not many people around that can block both hand strikes and low kicks at the same time.

If they can, they probably know WC/WT! So quit fighting and buy 'em a beer.

It depends.

Sometimes yes, sometimes a little staccatto timing can go a long way to making your strike have more neurological impact.

It depends.

Sometimes yes, sometimes a little staccatto timing can go a long way to making your strike have more neurological impact.

Speaking of timing, I noticed that you posted this at 2:35 am, and then posted on the "Chi-sau friend or foe..." thread at something like 3:20 am. And you live here in the USA? What's up with that? Either you are the king of night owls or I'm not the only one who wakes up thinking about this stuff.
lol! I can relate to the king of night owls statement, the other aspect of you comment is pretty truthful too, i'll stay up for hours thinking about WT sometimes..
Yep. I am a night owl. Eastern time with no daylight savings time correction aproximately for Puerto Rico.

King of Night Owls sounds pretty cool! I shall use it!

I now have no internets at home so I use the one on the lab, and I work until I can work no more. I also train approximately from 6pm to 11pm and then get cleaned up and go to the lab. Thesis plus research.

Stay there until I can works no more and go home, or stay sleeping in the lab. sort of a hermit thing going. Not popular with the girlfriend, I tell ya.

But I get the things I want done... and I do as I want and feel happy.

(>.<) \m/

Yes, I really, REALLY, think a lot about this and experiment and practice what I think about. Not for everyone, yet that is how I works.


Juan Mercado-Robles
At the moment, I pak and punch simultaneously. Thats my favorite move for any punch coming down my center, sometimes even a hook punch with the right timing.

You can still have power in your punch even if you are blocking/redirecting at the same time. You loose or gain power in your punch based on how you align your body... Best way to see if you are losing power is to do the move on a punching bag.
It depends on how hard they bring the fight on..the harder ,
the more yielding........think like a forward moving brook.......
What Mook said, forward in a low stance, and obv simultaneously standing/aiming on the foot is something i like, very off putting. Kicks to the shin and knee too.