mook jong man
Senior Master
Just as an example if we consider an attack such as a kick to the groin or any type of frontal kick towards our centerline .
If we have time and distance at our disposal , ie the attacker at least has to step in to execute the attack , then in our lineage our preference is to raise our leg so that our knee and heel are on the centerline .
The impact of the kick is then taken on the bottom of our heel which acts like a limb destruction on the opponents shin , from that contact point , our same leg will then move to the inside of his leg and continue on to kick the opponents groin.
This is in the case of a right leg to right leg configuration , if its the same side leg then we just jam , step down and hook kick the opponents thigh with the other leg.
If the scenario is that the attacker is already in range when he launches the attack , then it becomes a bit problematic to execute the jam because he has already initiated the attack and we are playing catch up to try and get our heel up on top of his shin.
This is where leg deflection comes into play , although it can be done at long range I prefer to think of it as a late phase technique and jamming as an early phase technique.
In other words if I pick up his intention to kick , early on in his preparation then I will jam , if I only recognise it at the last second then I tend to use a leg deflection.
With the jamming I prefer to use opposite leg to opposite leg eg right vs right and left vs left so I can jam , then get on the inside of the opponents leg and counter attack their groin.
With the deflection I prefer to use the other leg eg same side leg vs same side leg , or left vs left or right vs right and I will explain my reasoning in a little bit
I know different lineages have different fighting stances and ours is Yee Chi Kim Yeung Ma so the mechanics might be slightly different to those that fight with one leg leading.
But if you are surprise attacked and you are just standing there in a neutral stance what do you prefer to do?
Assuming you are not too slow to react and just absorb the kick , if doing the deflection do you prefer to deflect from the inside or to the outside.
My preference is to deflect from the outside , and it has a bit to do with shin conditioning .
When you deflect on the inside , despite your best efforts there will always be a bit of heavy contact between your shin and the opponents shin , because there is not much muscle covering the inside of that area.
Unlike the outside of his leg where you can contact your shin on the more meaty calf muscle area leading to a more softer deflection and possible damage to his calf muscle.
From a physiological stand point it also seems to be a lot easier to effect his structure when deflecting the outside of the leg , now I don't know whether this is down to the strength of the human bodies hip adductors versus the strength of the abductors or if there is something else at play here.
In other words it is a lot easier to turn his body to the side , and as a little added bonus most times it is possible to deflect the kick , turn his body and kick up into his groin from underneath all in the one motion , or deflect and go straight into the side stamp kick to his support leg.
A lot of it depends on how much oomph you want to put into that deflection.
Lately we've been working on wearing a much reinforced groin protector and deflecting and kicking up to the groin in one motion.
Just so we're all on the same page here , this is what I'm talking about .
Here he has deflected the attempted front kick or side kick with what we call a hook kick , and then he has followed up the deflection with a side stamping kick.
I practice doing the deflection , then kick straight up to the unprotected groin in one movement and then back down to the side stamping kick.
What are your thoughts on the merits and drawbacks of outside deflections versus inside deflections ?
We do both but as I explained my personal preference is from the outside.
What methods does your lineage employ and what are your personal preferences ?
If we have time and distance at our disposal , ie the attacker at least has to step in to execute the attack , then in our lineage our preference is to raise our leg so that our knee and heel are on the centerline .
The impact of the kick is then taken on the bottom of our heel which acts like a limb destruction on the opponents shin , from that contact point , our same leg will then move to the inside of his leg and continue on to kick the opponents groin.
This is in the case of a right leg to right leg configuration , if its the same side leg then we just jam , step down and hook kick the opponents thigh with the other leg.
If the scenario is that the attacker is already in range when he launches the attack , then it becomes a bit problematic to execute the jam because he has already initiated the attack and we are playing catch up to try and get our heel up on top of his shin.
This is where leg deflection comes into play , although it can be done at long range I prefer to think of it as a late phase technique and jamming as an early phase technique.
In other words if I pick up his intention to kick , early on in his preparation then I will jam , if I only recognise it at the last second then I tend to use a leg deflection.
With the jamming I prefer to use opposite leg to opposite leg eg right vs right and left vs left so I can jam , then get on the inside of the opponents leg and counter attack their groin.
With the deflection I prefer to use the other leg eg same side leg vs same side leg , or left vs left or right vs right and I will explain my reasoning in a little bit
I know different lineages have different fighting stances and ours is Yee Chi Kim Yeung Ma so the mechanics might be slightly different to those that fight with one leg leading.
But if you are surprise attacked and you are just standing there in a neutral stance what do you prefer to do?
Assuming you are not too slow to react and just absorb the kick , if doing the deflection do you prefer to deflect from the inside or to the outside.
My preference is to deflect from the outside , and it has a bit to do with shin conditioning .
When you deflect on the inside , despite your best efforts there will always be a bit of heavy contact between your shin and the opponents shin , because there is not much muscle covering the inside of that area.
Unlike the outside of his leg where you can contact your shin on the more meaty calf muscle area leading to a more softer deflection and possible damage to his calf muscle.
From a physiological stand point it also seems to be a lot easier to effect his structure when deflecting the outside of the leg , now I don't know whether this is down to the strength of the human bodies hip adductors versus the strength of the abductors or if there is something else at play here.
In other words it is a lot easier to turn his body to the side , and as a little added bonus most times it is possible to deflect the kick , turn his body and kick up into his groin from underneath all in the one motion , or deflect and go straight into the side stamp kick to his support leg.
A lot of it depends on how much oomph you want to put into that deflection.
Lately we've been working on wearing a much reinforced groin protector and deflecting and kicking up to the groin in one motion.

Just so we're all on the same page here , this is what I'm talking about .
Here he has deflected the attempted front kick or side kick with what we call a hook kick , and then he has followed up the deflection with a side stamping kick.
I practice doing the deflection , then kick straight up to the unprotected groin in one movement and then back down to the side stamping kick.
What are your thoughts on the merits and drawbacks of outside deflections versus inside deflections ?
We do both but as I explained my personal preference is from the outside.
What methods does your lineage employ and what are your personal preferences ?