how much time do spend training in a dojo

I train as often as possible in a dojo. This isnt to say that I dont train outside of a dojo, however training in a dojo gives me better focus and fewer distractions.
Train atleast 2hrs a day and teach 4 to5 hrs a day, then I have a wife and 3 boys that need me every second of the day, about some of there techniques, so probaly 90% to 95% of my time a wake is about MA in some way or another, what a great life!!!!!!!!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA
I train in the school as long as it's open; since it's only open for an hour and 1/2 three days a week, that comes to 4.5 hrs. If I had a key to the place, I could train there longer...:D
7-8 hours a week is my minimum, counting classes I teach and classes I take. When things are slow at the second job, I will get extra classes when I can, and that jumps it up to 10-12 a week
I'm only at 3-4 hours now, but when I get my new work schedule next month, I will double that plus add an hour-long class on one morning to get me up to I guess around 7.5 hours. Finally found a hobby I like. :)
I train three hours a week right now, and help out, at least, once a week. But I'm thinking of adding wednsdays (that'll make it 4). But I also train before and/or after class (depends on if I can snag a higher rank to help me with stuff, or if I have time to train alone). Plus, I train at home (mainly one day a week for a couple of hours).
well sometimes when i got nothing to do or my sensei has nothing to do he calls me or i call him and where all like......."what cha doin tonight".............sometimes we'll workout (AKA class) or well just talk about ethics or I'll just show him stuff that i have been thinking about...and he'll help me perfect it or make it better. All in all my sensei and I are friends more then master and apprentice...but still the master apprentice vibe is still there
I need to get my leg gym teacher told me just to rest it........Sensei tells me just to take it easy on it but still train...i like Sensei's idea better.....i go to class so much that i have batte scars from love full contact :mp5:
Not as much as I'd like.....ah, but I have a child and hubby now!! It used to be about 5-6 hours a week before my new family, now more like 3-4 hours a week.

:asian: :karate:
you should get your kid involved whenever he/she is of age..I wish my parents did.
I try and get in at least an hour a night but with a full-time job immediately followed by teaching all night....sometimes it doesn't happen.
Sin said:
you should get your kid involved whenever he/she is of age..I wish my parents did.
My parents tried to do that with me when I was younger. I said no, but now I'm having the best time of my life. It's amazing what martial arts can do for ya.
In my own classes I only spend 2-3 hours a week, but I also go to my son's classes as well. Im normally at my Dojo every night of the week. But with work committments at the moment Im finding it really hard to get there at the moment. I also will be starting Juijitsu soon so that will be another 4 hours a week. Dont know how Im going to fit it all in!!!
I only get in about up to 2 hrs. a week. With a newborn and 2 other kids it's hard to make the drive down there. However every other night of the week is spent practicing at home in some fashion. Anyhow, it's not as much as I would like to.
I usually train about 3 hours a week, however that time is going to be cut even less because of school related activities.
at one point, last spring, it was approaching 20 hours a week in class...not to mention time spent outside of class working on's about cut in half now...