This thread could be in lots of places. Health for the medical benefits both physical and mental. It could also be in the Premium, to joke about some of the content. I choose this forum to have an intelligent discussion on this topic.
Thank you - Rich Parsons
From the December 2004 issue of Psychology Today:
Pages 56 & 57; in an article written by Calin Flora
A funny thing has been happening. While Americans' income has skyrocketed in the past 50 years, levels of self-reported happiness have remiained sadly steady.And Consider this: On a life satisfaction scale of 1 to 7, Calcutta Slum dwellers put themselves at 4.6, while Forbes magazines' "rishest Americas" rate themselves only a 5.8.
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They ended up assigning values to certain life expereinces:
Semen = (* $1,500 women / Priceless men *)
Orgasm = $7,000Women who engage in sex without condoms report lower levels of depression then those who have the same amount of sex with a condom. ...
Sweat = $15,000Orgasms feel great because brain cells release precious chemicals that send euphoria-including endorphins soaring. The bonding homrmone oxytocin rises as well, bringing powerful feelings of contentment. Orgasms could even be life-extending: ...
Touch = $26,000Making time for sex is a good long-term investment strategy. It increases blood flow and circulation throughout the body, whihc reduces risk of heart attack. . . . Sexually Active people are less suseptible to depression and suicide.
Frequent Sex = $50,000Humans crave each other's touch - babies who aren't held simply fail to thrive. Adults seek out security and warmth of a human body as much as the sexual activity itself. Caresses from a spouse or long-term partner lessen stress by reducing the hormone cortisol as well as norepinephrine. And when cortisol dips, two chemical messengers - serotonin and dopamine - rise and leave us feeling emotionally flush. ...
Marriage = $115,000Sex is an emotional jackpot: In a survey of 16,000 Americans, people who had the most sex were also the happiest, according to self-reports. MArried people have more sex than those who are single, divorced, widowed, or separated, and research shows that those with one sex partner as more content than those with none or serveral. (Interestingly, sex appears to have stronger efects on the happiness of highly educated people than those with less education.) In fact, increasing sexual activity from once a month to once a week is equivalent to an additional $50,000 in annual income, ...
Marriage's windfall goes far beyond tax breaks and joint health coverage. Economists at the University of Warwock in England compared people's levels of happiness in response to life changes, such as a salary raise or getting hitched, and estimated that marriage is tantamount to a six-figure salary.