How much are you worth... DEAD?

Wow, Sukerkin, that is one crazy story. I ride a bike myself (ZZR600) and yr experience set my teeth on edge! Urk, when i think of all the near misses... Have you ridden since yr accident?

Oh, and my dead body would be worth $5125, apparently. Though i don't think you can purchase cadavers in Australia like you can in the US... my understanding is that you can only donate yr body to medical research. So i guess i'm worthless after all! ;-)
Not to us. ;)
Crikey! Thats gone on for a lot longer than I intended - sorry for the huge OT excursion chaps :blush:. I'd best shut up about it now ... tho' it is sort of relevant to the thread as that's how I got my 'extra added value' bits and pieces.
Dude ... respects.


Being one of those, I have to say I think it was a couple of the questions I answered. I answered yes to something wierd as I have Gilberts Syndrome and with this Liver disorder an extremely large liver. So my answers were good health in general but I did see a nice jump for this answer. :) :D

So, YOu are number three on the list for people to target? ;)

Yes ... behind you. I'm counting on your Gorushipness to protect me ... or, at least slow 'em down! ;)

$5475.. But that's can't be right the last time I saw the wanted poster it was offering much more than that.:confused:

Yeah, I was promised WAY more. :EG:
Wow, Sukerkin, that is one crazy story. I ride a bike myself (ZZR600) and yr experience set my teeth on edge! Urk, when i think of all the near misses... Have you ridden since yr accident?

Aye, bikes are fun and great for getting places swiftly but they are dangerous in the final analysis.

Of all the bikers I know or have known through my life I'd be hard pressed to recall any who haven't had crashes, severe injuries or 'added value' bits :eek:.

For myself, once I'd got some use of my arm back (which took a couple of years) I did ride again but the experience had lost it's shine - plus, I went around right-hand bends so slowly through fear of falling off onto my bolted together arm that it just wasn't worth enduring the negative sides of biking.

So i guess i'm worthless after all! ;-)

I second KDS's comment on this one.
$5475.. But that's can't be right the last time I saw the wanted poster it was offering much more than that.:confused:


That is a different worth. Even if it says "Dead" ;) :(
Yes ... behind you. I'm counting on your Gorushipness to protect me ... or, at least slow 'em down! ;)

I have friends who their whole selfdefense plan is to hide behind me or to just out run me. ;) :D
The Cadaver Calculator - Find out How Much your Body is Worth

So you've bitten the big one and instead of pushing up daisies your loved ones decided it would be best to sell your body to science. This survey will tell you approximately how much money they'd get for it. Cadaver values are primarily based on overall health and the level of interest your corpse holds to the medical research industry.

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