How much are you worth... DEAD?

Congratulations, your dead body is worth $4725!
Congratulations, your dead body is worth $5025!
sheesh...I'm kinda cheap compared to the rest....but, then, I've always kinda known that.

Congratulations, your dead body is worth $3515!

So, does being healthy make you more or less valuable? I suppose that bodies with some medical issues would be valuable for study.
Congratulations, your dead body is worth $4025!

If I'd have known I was going to be appraised, I would have taken better care of myself :(
I suppose that bodies with some medical issues would be valuable for study.

I think that's the premium for mine-in fact, I'm certain of it, since it's already spoken for...(hmmmm, wonder if I can get paid now? :lol: )

Though my other answers pretty much indicate my (truthfully) fantastic health and healthy habits.......
I am worth: Congratulations, your dead body is worth $6325!

So they could sell my body to make this, or pay $8000 for a funeral. ;)

Now what's really interesting is here are the dynamics of the posters that answer the questions honestly (as if they wouldn't ... :rolleyes: ) and the comparisons of the values our individual bodies bring. Some of us are in the cheap end which should tell us something about our life-styles or something about us that doesn't make us too valuable to science. Whereas others are in the high end of the scale... Hopefully more folks will chime in their individual body worths to make for an interesting study.
What is that telling us here about the folks who are MA-ists?
Do we need to change something to make us more/less valuable?
Is being more/less valuable a good/bad thing?

Am I missing something here? ... get the feeling that I am. :rolleyes: no surprise here
. Whereas others are in the high end of the scale...

Well, I have an athletic build, but I also have a couple of fairly serious medical conditions-though two have officially been "in remission" for more than 30 years. While I don't smoke, my love of tequila is well known enough, and I answered "one drink a day"-though I will occasionally save up nearly the week's worth for an extra fuzzy Saturday. I'm not sure of the relevance of some of the other questions-it didn't ask about exercise habits, for example.....
Oooh boy. $3,180. Guess the "live fast, die young, leave a good looking corpse" mentality really cuts into the value of a dead body...
My funeral's gonna be cheep. I'm gonna be chum in the bahammas! :D

Wonder if I can get an advance on my spleen? :D

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