How Many People Train At Your School?


Black Belt
Just out of curiosity,
How many students are there at the school you train at?
Also, how many people usually train per class?
And finally, what art do you train in? and if you would like to answer which school do you train at?

I'm just curious as the differences in class sizes.
Now and before

Taijiquan the range is about 9 to 12 people once a week


Wing Chun 4 classes a week (I went to 2) and the range of students was between 1 and 8 at the most

Xingyiquan, once a week 6 students
Moo Duk Kwan TaeKwonDo. I go to 5 classes per week. Average class size is 12-14. Lowest I have seen was 6 and the most was 28.
American Karate, with a whole boatload of locations and classes 5 days a week. Literally hundreds in the school. My Tuesday night class (one of 4 locations on Tuesdays) has about 40 kids and 10+ adults. Friday night is usually a bit smaller, but I won't know how many until the new session starts this Friday. Enrollment drops to about half (I think) during the summer--lots of families take a summer break, apparently.
in my kenpo school, there are somewhere around a dozen or so, maybe a few more or less. Most of them are fairly committed to training and are in regularly. A couple are still new, so their level of committment is sort of uncertain yet. Classes are held twice a week, with special classes on a third day at various times of the year. My wife and I are usually in all the classes.

In my white crane school, there are now five of us, of which I am the newest (and probably will be the last) having been accepted into the group about 4 months ago. The others have all been with the teacher for 30-40 years or so. We train very privately, in sigung's backyard, late at night and on the weekend. Classes are held three times a week, and I am able to attend twice a week.
I train in a traditional style Tae Kwon Do. Class size really varies. We've had as few as 1, to as many as 22. There's now a kids class that meets, so now the averages are about 4-10 for the adult class, and up to about 10 in the kids class. Classes are every Tuesday, and just last week, one of my instructors started a sparring night at his house every Thursday. That one is probably going to run around 5 people total.
Just out of curiosity,
How many students are there at the school you train at?
Total, 200 or so
Also, how many people usually train per class?
Varies. Some classed have as little as 4 students. But some have had as many as 50 students in them. There are 4 to 5 classes per day. The kids classes are huge but the adult classes can range from 6 students to 25 students on a good day.
And finally, what art do you train in? and if you would like to answer which school do you train at?
TKD and Hapkido but the school is know for TKD. ATC in Northern California.
I train Baguazhang (and Xingyiquan now Xue!). The school has Yang and Chen Taiji, Baguazhang, Xingyiquan, Qigong and Roushou/Sanshou/application classes. I go twice a week right now and classes vary in size from 3 to 10 people. As to current enrollment in the school, I would guess around 50 people at most.
I train in Kindai Karate, which is an offshoot of TAI-kenpo.
There are about 30 students total in my class. On Tuesdays I run all 30 at one time. On other days, I take 2 belt levels at a time, which would be about 9 students at a time.

Also, one other school comes to train with us on random days. That teacher brings about ten more students to add to the mix.

Between 35 and 40 total students. Usually 8 - 14 in the Karate class and 10 - 12 in the Aikido classes on average.
In my Kajukenbo school the Kids class has anywhere from 10 - 15. The beginners adults has about 20-25, the advanced adults 20 and the Black Belt class anywhere from 8-12.

I know that enrollment is higher than these numbers, but some don't show up.
Probably close to forty active students.
About one person to tweleve per class.
Currently I'm training in Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan.
With my group, about a dozen. Maybe 4-5 per class.

In the BJJ school I train at I don't know a hard figure, but there's about 10-15 per class night.
The kids classes in my school are divided up into 3 age categories ages 4-7, ages 8-10, and ages 11-15, and the adult class. 4-7 group has a dozen kids, 8-10 class has 7 students, 11-15 class has 25 students, and the adult class flounders up and down. At the moment the adult group is small, but hopefully, after the Holidays that class would increase. And four adult black belts.

My core system is Kenshin Kai Goju-Ryu Karate, in addition I train in Japanese and Matayoshi Kobudo. We are open on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Just out of curiosity,
How many students are there at the school you train at?
Also, how many people usually train per class?
And finally, what art do you train in? and if you would like to answer which school do you train at?

I'm just curious as the differences in class sizes.

1. Less than a dozen
2. 1-5, small classes, ratio of 5:1 (5 students per Instructor), All adults, no underage youth!
3. Institute, Independent Art!
We have usually about a 12-15 members at our chapter, with 6-10 showing up each class. We train Kunst des Fechtens (German longsword, grossemesser, dagger, grappling, etc).

Best regards,

How many students?
Around 150 members

How many per class usually?

What art/s?
At our training center we have instruction and training in:
Shotokan (4-6 & 7-12) 5 days a week
Muay Thai 3 days weekly
Wing Chun 3 days weekly
Pekiti-Tirsia Kali 2 days weekly
Combat Submission Wrestling (CSW) 2 days weekly
Fitness Kickboxing (ladies only) 4 days weekly
Open Sparring 1 weekly