Training or other activities?


Purple Belt
How many classes do most MA's go to each week? I'm assuming 1 on average.

If it's just once per week, for your workout routine, do you train, jog, lift weights or play some other sports?

Is it important to mix up activities or is training more important?

I'm planning to add MA to my usual swimming and jogging. But I'm curious what other people on here do.
When I was still training I would go twice a week, an hour each day, and then I would try and hit the gym for the treadmill/weight machines at least one additional day per week making it three days of exercise total. Right now I have two at-home workout routine that I switch off on making four days of exercise. I plan on signing up at a local school this summer, doing martial arts twice a week and then working the treadmill on my off days. I would really like to keep it at four days a week of overall exercise. As for what is more important, that depends entirely on what your goals are and what you enjoy doing.
If my job allows it I train 3 times a week.
Before I started Escrima 2 times. (Just started :) ) When I trained 2 times a week I also went jogging 2 times a week and some (light) weigth lifting at home. For now I'm trying to figure out how to reshedule my training.
Four Days Per Week for Me.

On each of those Days, I Train in My Time.
On Fridays, I do about Two Hours worth of Calisthenics and Pushups.

Resting on Weekends.

As for other Activities, thats Personal Choice.
You can either do your Martial Arts/Sports alongside your Jogging/Swimming. Or you can do your Jogging/Swimming alongside your Martial Arts/Sports.
Or you can Train somewere that wont leave you enough Energy to do much else.

Thats always an Option.
I think I'll need to add weights to my work outs or use my arms more and my legs less when I swim. I can only do a couple of push ups. I was never good at them, but that's just weak in every sense of the word. Gahh!

Swimming and jogging are more my quiet time than a hard work out. I might do a short sprint or one lap front crawl as fast as I can, but then I go back to day dreaming. I'll start with one class a week and then see if I can push for 2.

It is interesting to see what other people are doing. I don't feel any inspiration to keep up with my parents. They compete in triathlons and play sports. I'd like to find a middle ground that isn't as competitive as them.
I train 4-5 days a week, an hour to two hours each day (I base the duration largely on my health - if fighting any kind of cold or fatigue, I only do an hour).

A half hour of stretching each day seven days a week (on non-training days, this is just leisurely stretching while watching TV or reading).

Walks (45-90 minutes at a brisk pace, again largely determined by my health and the amount of rest I'm getting) twice a week, though those have fallen by the wayside lately...

ETA: I should add that our training classes include some calisthenics, such as pushups and situps and squats, so unless I'm feeling enthusiastic during stretching sessions, I leave those to training days.
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I think I'll need to add weights to my work outs or use my arms more and my legs less when I swim. I can only do a couple of push ups. I was never good at them, but that's just weak in every sense of the word. Gahh!

Swimming and jogging are more my quiet time than a hard work out. I might do a short sprint or one lap front crawl as fast as I can, but then I go back to day dreaming. I'll start with one class a week and then see if I can push for 2.

It is interesting to see what other people are doing. I don't feel any inspiration to keep up with my parents. They compete in triathlons and play sports. I'd like to find a middle ground that isn't as competitive as them.

Kindly refrain from limiting yourself from doing things, as a matter of misguided Principle against Parents.
1-2 Classes per Week is considered Minimalistic, to say the Most; Among Martial Artists.
But to each their own.
Kindly refrain from limiting yourself from doing things, as a matter of misguided Principle against Parents.
1-2 Classes per Week is considered Minimalistic, to say the Most; Among Martial Artists.
But to each their own.

Not against my parents. I just want to balance physical fitness with the rest of my life. 3-4 days a week working out is about all I'm going to put in right now. I still have work, volunteer hours and a family. My parents are busy most nights of the week. It works for them, but not me.
Ideally I'd train 3-4 times a week, but it isn't available where I live. So I train once a week, and dance another 1-2 times a week depending on what's going on. I have yoga and pilates apps on my Droid, and my border collie also keeps me honest with 3-4 walks per day. It isn't the butchiest of lifestyles, but I make it work. :)
Not against my parents. I just want to balance physical fitness with the rest of my life. 3-4 days a week working out is about all I'm going to put in right now. I still have work, volunteer hours and a family. My parents are busy most nights of the week. It works for them, but not me.
Well, it may also be hard for you to stay in one Organisation or Style.
Being a Nomad.
ummm.... there are other activities other than martial arts...... :hmm:

NAH!!!! your making this up aren't you :D
As I do 2 martial arts I train twice a week on those (1 day each) but as I'm going for my black belt in Karate soon I'm going to start doing that twice a week; plus I'll need to join our chief instructors class once every few weeks so he can watch my progress.

this means i could be training up to 4 times a week as well as a bit of of practice at home in the evenings.

i also try to get down the gym or do some exercise a couple of times a week on top of this. i havent been down the gym this week as i've been playing badminton instead. its just a personal thing that i like to keep as active as possible as im a lazy sod and if i dont i'll never do it :D

if you're just starting out you dont need to go all out at once. once a week will be enough to start and if you want to do more go for it but dont feel like you have to.
ummm.... there are other activities other than martial arts...... :hmm:

NAH!!!! your making this up aren't you :D

I was going to list sports, cardio or weight training. But I found the word activities more amusing and leaves the options open. *GRIN*
In BJJ, the prevailing wisdom is that it takes at least 3 classes each week to make measurable progress. A lot of guys train 4 to 6 times per week. Some guys go nuts, but they're usually young, broke, bored and single. :)

I get in as much as I can, but I'm lucky right now to make 2 classes per week. :)
i havent been down the gym this week as i've been playing badminton instead. its just a personal thing that i like to keep as active as possible as im a lazy sod and if i dont i'll never do it :D

My mother plays badminton. I played quite a bit as a kid waiting around for her. Better than waiting around in the sports club pub with blue air. Only sport I know that literally hurts my ****, never figured out why. I still play her sometimes as a guest at her club. I like smashing and clearing, but I tend to duck shuttlecocks aimed at my face clocking 200mph instead of returning smashes. I have to watch out for her or she'll leave bruises.
ME = Dojang 3 times a week MWF, Run T& Th. plus 45 min of Bjj on Th with a buddy of mine when we have time (just to learn a little more ground work) Weekends doing the usual around the house stuff (mow lawns etc, and help my daughter with her forms). But I'm at a point in my journey of trying to get back in shape after being basically a couch potato for years.
I'm sure your journey will be different. It's not the speed of the journey, but the perseverence put into it.
How many classes do most MA's go to each week? I'm assuming 1 on average.

If it's just once per week, for your workout routine, do you train, jog, lift weights or play some other sports?

Is it important to mix up activities or is training more important?

I'm planning to add MA to my usual swimming and jogging. But I'm curious what other people on here do.

Nope, its more than 1. :) However, on non training days, I'll usually do some sort of cardio and I'll either lift weights or do body weight exercises, which as of late, thats what I primarily do.
I make it to class once a week. With 2 jobs its hard to go more than that. When i am not at class im am training at home or running or lifting weights. I work out about 5 times a week, i try to manage some 2 a days twice a week as well.

I teach one class a week. I practice in some form at least a little every day.

I generally work out at least 3 or 4 days separately from my training.

One class a week is insufficient BY ITSELF for conditioning or real progress. One class a week, in conjunction with practice on your own, will allow you to progress. Similiarly, one workout a week will produce minimal results, at best.

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