How many believe there was conspiracy behind bruce leeĀ“s death

To my understanding NOBODY dies from directly smoking hash... they do however can die indirectly (i.e. driving while under the influence or being stupid enough to piss someone off who has a gun and a murderous disposition or whatever ways one can die because their brains are too addled to think coherently ). Lee, as I understand it did not SMOKE at all... however he was reported (and I wish I can find sources) to have loved chewing hashish balls, thereby ingesting the THC into his system creating the same or stronger effect as if one were smoking it.

As far as the Illumniati wanting to kill Bruce Lee and later his son Brandon... the real question is... WHY??
Did Lee have some knowledge about the group which might have destroyed or expose them had he released it?
Now if Lee had owed money to a Triad drug dealer then yeah maybe I can buy a conspiracy theory to the effect that they came to collect and effectively made it look like an accidental overdose or death by misadventure... That sounds real plausible since Hashish is an illegal substance and is sold in the underworld which is controlled largely in part by organized crime and punishments for failure to pay (large) x amount of money can be severe.... THAT conspiracy I could lay a few bucks on. Shameful to the memory of the man who inspired millions but a possible fact none-the-less.

I think I'd even lay more money on this idea.
I believe there was a conspiracy behind his death. But, not on how he died. I think that he died because the actress and Chow panicked and didn't want a scandal on their hands of why Bruce was at some girl's apartment sleeping when he should have been home with his wife and family.
His adultery is what killed him. If he would have taken the same meds at home and the same thing happened you know his wife would have called the paramedics ASAP. Might have still ended the same way, but there wouldn't be all the controversy.

Still doesn't explain Brandon.
Except that maybe ... **** happens... yea even unto a movie set and it is a tragic accident.

To answer the question do I believe there was/is a conspiracy behind the Lees deaths?

no :shrug:

Remember how he lived. not how he died.

AMEN! :asian:
Essentially those are the facts as I recall. Since the Hexum and Lee deaths, studios have become more safety conscious. Even non-firing prop weapons are handled with the same care as actual firearms. Sending the firearms handler home, which happened in Lee's case, is against the rules. Once a scene is finished, the weapon is collected.
I loved that show, btw...
To my understanding NOBODY dies from directly smoking hash... they do however can die indirectly (i.e. driving while under the influence or being stupid enough to piss someone off who has a gun and a murderous disposition or whatever ways one can die because their brains are too addled to think coherently ). Lee, as I understand it did not SMOKE at all... however he was reported (and I wish I can find sources) to have loved chewing hashish balls, thereby ingesting the THC into his system creating the same or stronger effect as if one were smoking it.
I don't think eating hash will give as strong or stronger effects than smoking it. If I recall the science correctly, by smoking it it will enter your bloodstream much more quickly than oral ingestion, and give a stronger high, as the concentration of drug peaks in your body much faster. But, eating it will give a milder, longer lasting effect (typically several hours).
Essentially those are the facts as I recall. Since the Hexum and Lee deaths, studios have become more safety conscious. Even non-firing prop weapons are handled with the same care as actual firearms. Sending the firearms handler home, which happened in Lee's case, is against the rules. Once a scene is finished, the weapon is collected.

Major professional studios have become more safety conscious. Others, not so much.

Last November a 15 year old Boy Scout range instructor killed himself with a blank gun used in a high school production:

Its very hard for me to picture a conspiracy in Brandon Lee's death. Its very easy for me to picture young people horsing around with a firearm they were told is safe.
I've heard rumours that he was killed by a delayed death touch. He was very arrogant and offensive vs other styles - so perhaps, someone got in a deadly shot... (;))

Ə'm a huge bruce lee fan so R.I.P.

There's an awful lot of deaths and accidents that happen that are so mundane that people can't believe it was that 'boring' if I can use that word, so people look for hidden reasons and causes to explain them. Brandon's death couldn't be just a plain accident it had to be a conspiracy because his dad died. Bruces's death had to be a conspiracy because he couldn't have just died, hundreds of thousands of unknown people do every year, they just drop dead or die in their sleep and no one thinks it's a conspiracy. Autopsies are done and it's quite easily explained medical conditions that killed them but not with a famous person, that has to be a 'mystery'.
Caver is right, the proverbial does happen.
About Bruce Lee - 'The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long. And you have burned so very very brightly', quote from Dr. Tyrell to Roy from the movie BladeRunner.
Great movie BladeRunner! Pity it didn't feature Bruce as Roy, not that Rutger didn't do a fine job.
its similar to whats going on with micheal jacko yeah he abused prescribed drugs and this and that , but then you see the videos of him rehersing for his upcoming tour looking normal then you throw in who gain something from him passing intertwined with love for his music - its jfk all over.

who would want bruce dead ?

in this case illuminati - they have the power to reach out and touch him and cover it up so well that world would otherwise ...

what did he do to make em want to take him out ?

who knows what bruce did maybe not submit to them he went against the extorsion ...

when did they get to him ?

we all know how these things happen when you least expect it when your at your weakest point vunerable stressed out tired - hooked him in with the drugs and females ( who wouldnt fall for these things )

where was the conspiracy plotted ?

hollywood ? masonic temples ? vatican ?

how was it executed ?

marylin monroe style

why go after brandon ?

maybe cause he was warned you dont submit well go after your family dont matter if your already dead ...
its similar to whats going on with micheal jacko yeah he abused prescribed drugs and this and that , but then you see the videos of him rehersing for his upcoming tour looking normal then you throw in who gain something from him passing intertwined with love for his music - its jfk all over.
So you think it's true and any evidence to the contrary is an illuminati 'cover up'. Got it.

who would want bruce dead ?

in this case illuminati - they have the power to reach out and touch him and cover it up so well that world would otherwise ...
umm, what...why?

what did he do to make em want to take him out ?

who knows what bruce did maybe not submit to them he went against the extorsion ...
Sooo, basically you have no idea why they would want to kill him, just some vague idea that they might.

when did they get to him ?

we all know how these things happen when you least expect it when your at your weakest point vunerable stressed out tired - hooked him in with the drugs and females ( who wouldnt fall for these things )
But a world famous man couldn't fall for these things on his own, like thousands of other celebrities that aren't killed by the illuminatie do?

where was the conspiracy plotted ?

hollywood ? masonic temples ? vatican ?
So, again, you have no idea, just a vague notion that it could have happened.

how was it executed ?

marylin monroe style
Because the illuminati wanted her out of the way as well I'm sure.

why go after brandon ?

maybe cause he was warned you dont submit well go after your family dont matter if your already dead ...
So, once more, you have no idea, you just think it could have happened so it must have.

You have no motive, no evidence, no direct connection of any kind to the infamous illuminati, but instead of that demonstrating to you how ridiculous the notion is, it just cements further the consipracy. Work harder, logic is your friend.
its similar to whats going on with micheal jacko yeah he abused prescribed drugs and this and that , but then you see the videos of him rehersing for his upcoming tour looking normal then you throw in who gain something from him passing intertwined with love for his music - its jfk all over.

who would want bruce dead ?

in this case illuminati - they have the power to reach out and touch him and cover it up so well that world would otherwise ...

what did he do to make em want to take him out ?

who knows what bruce did maybe not submit to them he went against the extorsion ...
It was all a clever plot to kill Bruce Lee, then clone him so his clones could be used as CIA spies to further Illuminati interests. They had a gold smuggler skimming from their secret treasury, and a certain Doctor Nye who was trying to bend the world to his will via science.
anything is possible , im not saying that theres any truth behind what im saying ( theorys out there ) just that if illuminati had its reasons ( racisim ) for taking him out they wouldnt be public they d be disguised ' like a perfectly healthy man dying for using hash ? dont make sense
I heard that Billy Mays was killed by a dim mak technique delivered by the 'Sham Wow' guy. Well, this is at least more believeable than the Bruce Lee-Illuminati garbage.
If you think his death is suspicious you could go with a whole host of reasonable theories for why it doesn't make sense. Instead you choose to post about the Illuminati. And then you post a disclaimer when the complete and utter lack of logic is exposed. C'mon man, give me a break.
you could die from smoking hash all you want blindsage its just a theory that was out there that i decided to share with all of you - so all you 33rd degree masons in this fourm chill out i aint trying to expose your secret of world domination ? if illuminati got to him for whatever reason i guess will never know and thats it ... it just sucks that it happend to bruce lee , wonder what it would be like if he was still around or what he would of accomplished or what would of become of jkd ?
you could die from smoking hash all you want blindsage its just a theory that was out there that i decided to share with all of you - so all you 33rd degree masons in this fourm chill out i aint trying to expose your secret of world domination ? if illuminati got to him for whatever reason i guess will never know and thats it ... it just sucks that it happend to bruce lee , wonder what it would be like if he was still around or what he would of accomplished or what would of become of jkd ?
Be careful who's mason affiliations you out on here....we can get you any time.

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