I study Daito Ryu KodKai and if it takes 1 year for shodan, you are not studing Daito Ryu and are being taken for a ride.
There is a high degree of sensitivity to make Daito Ryu work and if you can get to that level in a year, you would be either exceptional, or not doing Daito Ryu.
There were a good number of Aikidoka who started making their techniques harder, thinking they were recreating Daito Ryu (and missing the point by a mile), I wonder if your teacher was snowed into this?
We study 2 arts, Icho Yama Ryu, in which I hold a 2nd Dan, it took 5 years of 3-5 times a week to get to shodan, I am entering my 10 th year studying Icho and Daito Ryu.
I have not joined the Daito Ryu association formally so I hold no rank, but those who are shodan and higher in Daito Ryu, took between 6 and 10 years to get shodan.
Can you throw a man, who grabs you, without grabbing him, consistantly? If not, your not anywhere near Shodan