As a minimum:
10th Gup to 4th Gup is (as a minimum) 3 months per rank.
4th Gup to 1st Gup is 6 months per rank.
1st Gup to 1st Dan is 1 year.
1st Dan to 2nd Dan is 2 years.
2nd Dan to 3rd Dan is 3 years.
3rd Dan to 4th Dan is 4 years.
And so on
Like most of you I have met more then my share of those who claim to be something that they simply are not (and in most cases will never be).
There are some practitioners who will be promoted by their instructor in less time then the minimum states. If the instructor determines that they have established all that is necessary to receive the promotion in a shorter time, the instructor has the right to make that decision.
I have always seen the minimum time requirement as a necessity to get you where you need to be, but I have been promoted by my instructor, Grandmaster Kim, Chung Il early on a couple of my promotions. The first time was when he promoted me to 4th Dan in 1988. I had been promoted to 3rd Dan in 1986. At the time, I tried to pass on the promotion. I was told by a direct senior that if Grandmaster Kim saw something in me that he felt was worthy of that promotion, and I didnt, it was my responsibility to step up my game and get (in my own mind) worthy. If I did not accept the promotion, G.M. Kim would have seen it as an insult, and I would not have been allowed to continue training under him
I accepted the promotion, and stepped up my game accordingly.
This is a different situation from someone who promotes him/her-self for any reason. I have seen several who rose up from nowhere to all of a sudden be grandmaster _____________, and no one has ever even heard of them. This is a problem.
There are also those who choose to assign rank certificates to others to attract them as members to their organizations. The problem with receiving rank like this is that there is no way to determine if the receiver is truly knowledgeable of the system and able to teach. They now have a certificate to present to potential students claiming them to be something that they are most likely not.
I have a problem with anyone who hangs certification from someone that they have not trained under, and have no real relationship with
as I stated earlier; all that rank does is tell you how far you have come in your instructors program. If you hang a certificate from a stranger, what is your intention? It must be to fool unsuspecting prospects into signing up in your school. This is, in my mind, deception and STEELING.
If someone comes to me to train and signs up with me, I dont care what rank they come in the door with, they will not get certification from me with my name on it until they have been with me for a significant amount of time, and can perform to the level that I feel that they should be for that given rank.
I have had instructors contact me to see if they can arrange to meet with G,M Kim to join our organization and get a certificate of rank from us to hang in their school. The answer is always the same
NO. If you want to become a member of our organization, we can discuss that, and make a decision according to what is decided by all parties. Certification will only come when relationships are solid and secure. We dont want anyone coming to us for a rank certificate, only to leave in a year to do the same thing with someone else. This is all a part of the watering down of the martial arts community, and we must all work hard to keep it real and pure. If you are aware of such frauds, dont be afraid to let everyone know
They hurt us all in the long run.
Your thoughts
Yours in Tang Soo Do,
Master Jay S. Penfil