You know dude, it has been my experience in freestyle and greco wrestling, I even wrestled for the Marine Corps. As well as Judo Randori that weight training is not necessary. I am not a big guy. If you do body weight only and do your MA workouts you will be fine.
Actually, I found that weight training hindered my performance a bit. I got more out of towel pull and chin ups than I ever did from lat pull downs. I have gotten way more out of swings throughs and judo pushups than dead lifts and back extensions.
If you want to make body weight exercises harder then go slower on your reps. Take a 5 sec down, pause for a second and 5 sec up approach. instead of down up down up. You will see this is very hard indeed.
Also if you concentrate holding horse stance in the down position for a long time you will find it a much better exercise than dead lifts.
Peace out brother!