I just saw this post, I am going to answer the original question and not let any of the others interfere with my post.
First off I am quite a bit older then the rest of you, I have been in the fighting game for a long time, I have been hurt badly in some major altercations and have given as good as I have received.
I just wanted to say that, so you will know where I am coming from. I have trained a lot over the years and am in pretty good condition considering, I am
6' 2" and weigh 220lbs, 63 years this Dec.
I have switched to FMA (sticks) I like the flow, the drills, moving constantly,
no body contact. I have also studied various other arts, being in my background so if I need them, I still have them.
The heavy bag is a very good work out tool, I usually don't get to it until I am really worked and very warm and limber. I like to hit the speed bags usually leather and not real hard (that way they are easier on your hands and you still have got to hit them to make them work).
There might be some of you that wear protection ( I never do) It is a good thing for training not to wear protection on your hands if you are hitting like I do. I will tell you how I hit the bags, I am not in any way saying this is the best or all of you need to do this, I am just giving you one mans opinion.
I hit with closed fist, vertical and horizontal, palm strikes, finger strikes, extended finger strikes, knuckle strikes (partially closed fingers) side palm strikes, hammer strikes, back hand, forehand and any other you can think of.
These I do on the speed bags, numerous at different levels so I can also be using my legs in different positions (stance Horse hi, low etc.) I am sometimes static sometimes moving (depending on the various bags I am using).
I hit the heavy bag with a fluid motion sometimes static sometimes moving,
I hit it with a lot of the same strikes, I mentioned above, mostly with fingers tight, I also slap it, kick it, hit it with my knee, sweeps and anything else you can think of. I bump it with my shoulder, hip and buttocks, head etc.
As I said, it is never with any protection, fairly soft but heavy. I usually will spend about 45 min/ 60 min on the various bags, speed, heavy.
I like the bag (ball) on a rope tied to top and bungie cord hooked to the bottom, also at various heights. Moving constantly hitting, dodging in close, so the bag is an opponent coming back at you as hard as you send it out.
I like to work on that quite a bit of the time I am spending on the various bags. I hit it with my hands, arms, elbows, shoulder, head. It is hitting me.I am hitting it.
I also am working with the sticks, while I take a breather with the bags.
I go back to the heavy bag and work on it with the sticks, Double sticks on the bag. Constantly moving hitting using the various stances on the above,
spinning, hitting, kicking, all the time with no protection.
I don't do any thing where physical contact is used I can not trust my opponent not to hurt me. I am not complaining, I am stating a fact, I train the best I can to have health (mental and physcial).
If I have to fight it will be only if I cannot avoid it, or for protecting my loved ones etc. I figure, I will be in the best shape I can be, and thats all I can do.
I like the Mentality of the art called "Kosho Shorei Ryu Kempo". The Enlightenment side of it, I am older and wiser. I am not trying to prove anything, I try not to, but I do have a hostile side to me also..
I don't need bodily contact anymore I need the exercise, time in motion and skills I have to hit and strike. Bare handed always and with the stick..
I hit the bag as hard as my barehands and body tell me to hit it.
Does all this make any sense??
If you have read this you are as dedicated as I am, or you also are a little bit crazy, like I am.
Like Waylon Jennings Sings " I am a little bit crazy, but it keeps me from going insane". Regards, Gary