How far should "Multi-Culturalism/Diversty" let things go in the US?


Senior Master
Jul 22, 2003
Reaction score
Williamsville, NY
There have been many discussions lately about how groups have the 'right' as citizens to practice cultural/religious without fear of exclusion/civil infringement because they are citizens.

When/where is the 'line' when cultural or religious practices should be stopped/Diversity 'rights' are justifiable infringed on?


Some cultural/religous groups practice arranged marriages of under age girls to adult males - this technically is statutory rape if the marriage is consumated. It could be considered child molestation/sexual assault/endangerment technically.

There is the practice of foot binding/female circumcisions of underage girls...

When practices like these happen outside of US borders, judging them based on American/legal/constitutional rights is moot. But, where does the law/gov/US have the right to step in and stop/regulate 'culturalism?'
loki09789 said:
But, where does the law/gov/US have the right to step in and stop/regulate 'culturalism?'
When those cultural or religious activities infringe on another's constitutional rights as set out in the Constitution of the United States, or infringes on their Human Rights as set out by the United Nations Universal declaration of Human Rights.
Simply put, IMO, if it's a practice between or involving consenting adults that does not harm or endanger anyone else, then it should be allowed.

To expound on the examples you gave and on Dan's post:
loki09789 said:
Some cultural/religous groups practice arranged marriages of under age girls to adult males - this technically is statutory rape if the marriage is consumated. It could be considered child molestation/sexual assault/endangerment technically.
If someone wants to do this to protect their culture, they need to move to a geographical location where it is still legal - for now ....
loki09789 said:
There is the practice of foot binding/female circumcisions of underage girls...
Same thing. This is an abomination, by the way.
loki09789 said:
When practices like these happen outside of US borders, judging them based on American/legal/constitutional rights is moot.
I tend to agree (though reluctantly when it comes to human rights violations) and one might use this argument to rally against the (what war is it we're in again?) ....
loki09789 said:
But, where does the law/gov/US have the right to step in and stop/regulate 'culturalism?'
I think on U.S. and U.S. Territory soil.