How does everyone here break up their material to practice?

*Warning: alot of scrawled down notes ahead*

Found my notes haha...

So here are a few examples of how my home training was organised depending on what the focus of the session was (just straight up copied and pasted it):

One session example:
-quick warmup
-sanchin x2
-dynamic stretches x100
-kata: tsuki no x4
-go+ju (kata: completely soft, then explode into technique and completely relax; kihon: tsuki, blocks, some kicks) 20m
-bagwork indiv techniques 10m
-makiwara 5m bag rice?
-tensho x2

Sample training session:
(-read bkmo 10m)
-2min warmup
-Sanchin (x2-3)
-Dynamic stretches (100 between pair) (12m)
-Kata 10-15min (areas to work on)
-Bagwork 10-15min (specialised area)
-Makiwara 5min
-Tensho (x2-3)
-Stretch 14m =1h33m-1h54m

(if making up for missed session)
-5min warmup
-Quick basics (x10) 15min (12m)
-Dynamic stretches (100 between pair) 5-10min (12m)
-Kata 15min (25m)
-Shadowsparring intervals (3min work, 1min easy x2) (8m) = 1h10m
-Bagwork (3min work, 1min easy x2-3)
(-quick circuit: 20 pushups, squats, crunches, x3)
-Stretch 14m

-5min warmup
-Quick hand basics x10 (5m)
-Dynamic stretches (50 between pair) 6min (4m)
-Quick kicks x10 (3m)
-Kata 10min
-Bagwork 10min (3x 2min work, 1min rest) (9m)
-Stretch 14min =1h3m

-Dynamic stretches (100 between pair) (12m)
-Squats x20-30
-Pushups x20
-Zenkutsudachi mae geri x10-20 each side
1min rest
Repeat 3 times total

(all basics: 20m
10x kata: 15m)


So most sessions had a bit of everything, but the parts where I had 'specialised area' was what I rotated between each session, and was purely something I really wanted to work on. Here's a list of thoooose if not bored out of your brains XD:

Next grading stuff/Kata/new kata+otherstyle kata/taichi style super slow kata/freeflow kata+combinations (doing what comes natural, diff moves from katas strung together)/stancework, footwork+sabaki/breath/particular techniquework/hip use techniquework, practise hip pivoting with arms loose/balance+posture(kicks (ushiromawashi spin just knee))+slowmotion training/accuracytraining (hanging pads)/*relax-tension hard-soft (Goju) work/Keiryoku waza (whip-like powerstrikes. Lightningfast,smooth, like fishingrod cast)/Complex technique training (advanced hand techniques, different jumpkicks), retraction work (focus on speed, power etc only on retraction)/basics WITHOUT count, complete attention on technique/only left-side focus (weaker side focus)/combinations (create new ones)/pure kumite-based


Bagwork also had things I'd rotate between:

Bagwork (*indiv sets of techniques, freeflow, techniques from different stances, power/explosive training, combo training (renraku), sabaki, open-handed techniques)
Whereas I did a session just tonight at home, went for about 45 minutes.

Started with quick warm-up, did 15mins of kihon/basics (just 10 of each and going from one straight to the other), 15mins kata, 15mins of tournament sparring stuff up and down the hall in my house (footwork drills, timing, drilling techniques in movement, counterattack possibilities, combinations, shadowspar).

Didn't really plan it that way, but enjoyed it thoroughly :)
This is such a neat topic.

I don’t remember how I structured my at-home practice in my karate days, but this is how I structure my practice now in Taekwondo.

30 min warm-up on treadmill
15 min stretching

Then I go through all my current grade material, ending with the pattern. (Will do various portions repeatedly depending on what is newest and what needs more practice).

After this I go through all my past and current material, minus patterns.
Then I go through all my patterns, generally in order.

Then I repeat the start, going through all my current grade material ending with the pattern.

In this way, I go through everything at least once (though many things multiple times) and spend a lot of time working on my new stuff. My goal is to have the stuff I just learned at my previous class down so well it can be critiqued and tweaked at the next class rather than having to still learn the basic movement.

I practice first thing in the morning every day except Sundays. There are occasionally days were I have to skip due to life or shorten my workout. But generally this is how I practice. As I get higher ip in the grading, I may have to take some of the early material and practice it a few times a week instead of daily as this practice routine is taking up more and more time, and I still have small kids, work, and home to keep up.

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I try to concentrate on 4 techniques weakly. In that week, I will

1. face N, do technique 1.
2. face E, do technique 2.
3. face S, do technique 3.
4. face W, do technique 4.
5. Repeat 1 - 4 20 times.

This way, I will always have 4 techniques fresh in case I have to get into a fight.

A: This week you broke one guys left arm. Last week you broke one guy's right leg. Why?
B: Those 4 techniques that I trained between this week and last week are different. :)
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