How do you work a heavy bag?


Black Belt
I don't know about anyone else, but going full speed, as hard as possible on a heavy bag gets me winded rather quickly. On the flip side, I certainly dont want to completely stop this type of training. How do you break up your training to accomodate for this?
Sometimes I work single strikes, experimenting as to how I can channel as much power as possible by using my whole body into the strike. I work mechanics. I do the same thing with many different combinations as I can think of.
I also like to work stamina by just striking freestyle but I always keep in mind that the heavy bag is a training tool and I try and use it to develop good mechanics as well as stamina and power. I also pretend it could strike me back if I let my guard down or get sloppy!
Its also great to hit the bag after a very bad day at work! :)
I do "rounds" on mine. Started of with 2 minute rounds with a minute in between, now I doe 3 minute rounds.

Its also great to hit the bag after a very bad day at work! :)

AMEN to that one!

I don't want to work
I want to bang with my sticks all day
I don't want to play
I just want to bang with my sticks all day

Ever since I was a tiny boy
I don't want no candy
I don't need toy
I took a stick and an old pickle can
I bang on that thing 'til I got
Blisters on my hand


When I get older they think I'm a fool
The teacher told me I should stay after school
She caught me pounding sambrada on the desk with my hands
But my technique was so hot
I made the teacher want to play
And that's why...


Listen to this
Every day when I get home from work
I feel so frustrated
the boss is a jerk
And I get my sticks and go out to the shed
And i pound on that bag like it was the boss's head


My appologies to Todd Rungren and/or Utopia for the artistic liberty with their lyrics...

Still... It'd be fun to get a bunch of FMA players together to record that one! :ultracool
How do you break up your training to accomodate for this?

One day at a time, one session at a time. Start by doing what you can normally do. Take a short break between each session, and then do another couple of reps.

Once you find that you can comfortably make it through your usual session, increase the length of time by a conservative amount. Keep training with that length of time, until that becomes comfortable, and then increase again conservatively.
How do you train a heavey bag, would it be the same way as a dog?

all kidding aside I do two to three minute rounds with a minute break every other day.
I like to use it and weights part of a cercit. The best way is a timer, go for 3 min moveing around keeping your hands up feed it some lower shots then a few fast up top, a couple hard shots up higher mabee a knee and elbow, to were the gut would be. work it untill the 3 min is up, then go right onto the weight cercut, come back work it for 2 min, again move and change it up, then when times out weights then the 3rd time lots of jab,s as fast as you can for the last 20 seconds nothing but power reverse punches and hooks, finish with a flurry, then finish with the weights.. work it up till you can go 20 min streight on the bag the first time, man thats a good cardio, i recoment having a good antibacterial cream and some MMA gloves not bag gloves. hope it help's it's a good routeen
Besides the normal bag workout routines, I enjoy working out with my ASP expandable baton on the heavybag. It is truly a joy to go down to my in house Training Hall and lay it to the leather with the ASP. Definately a great way to ease away any tensions that you might have had.
Pop in do a couple strikes, pop out. Like in sparring/fighting. Or you could run a drill/combination on a bag for 1-2 minutes and then do the same to the air. That is what I do.
I prefer to use a heavybag to develop the basics. I'll systematically work thru all the different ways of throwing various kicks and hand strikes, and just focus on the one technique, one delivery at a time. Develop power and proper technique for the foundation of the technique.

I also do a bit of freestyle on the bag to loosen up and bring in sponteneity, but my main focus is on developing the basics.
Yesterday I did:

3 minutes more speed than power.

Break 60 - 90 seconds.

1 minute more power than speed.

Break 60 - 90 seconds.

Back and forth like this for a while. Of course my one minute rounds got less powerful as time went on. Also, my main focus for the workout was footwork as Im trying to improve it. So every round I was almost constantly moving around the bag. Pretty awesome workout and definately kept it interesting.