Originally posted by arnisador
We've been focusing a lot on FMA and so I want to say something. I believe that there is much to be said for Indonesian, Thai, and Burmese systems as well (for example). (I am not as familiar with these systems however.) The FMA have much to offer and they differ a great deal from the Japanese and Korean systems but they are not the only methods. Although they do not have as well-recognized a name there are both classical and modern Western knife arts as well. Someone referred in a recent post to an article by Mr. Worden on "Biker-ryu" and while the name is obviously somewhat facetitious I do believe that American gang/street/prison fighters have developed effective knife-fighting techniques in the traditional way followed by all martial artists--by seeing what works and what doesn't.
As much as I enjoy the FMA we must bear in mind that other arts have effective knife techniques as well!