How important is Head Gear In Sparring

Heh, try to keep a humble attitude and you will get alot better faster, if you think you are already good you just limitted yourself on your evolution and progress since you think you are already near the top level and dont have far to go, when in fact you have just begun your journey.

I was Canadian champion for my federation one year, all that meant is I was the best that SHOWED UP that particular day. After a few years, all the tough hardcore good guys had a falling out with our instructor so left the school.... which meant I was the best in our school until I had to leave too. Nobody could touch me. Luckily I remembered getting my butt kicked on a daily basis by the other guys or I woulda thought being the best in my school actually meant something other than the fact that everyone left just plain sucked.

Something that kept me in reality and has always kept me humble is fighting/sparring other martial artists. Karate, TKD, Muay Thai, boxing. I go out and try to spar with anyone I can get my hands on, if they look good I want to train with them..... I get defeated alot. I'm good, but I know there is always someone better.

My whole point is, if you are not getting hit by anyone in your school, then go out and find someone that CAN hit you, you only get better if you are being pushed. If everyone in your school sucks so bad they cant touch you, then you need to find faster, stronger opponents. It is the only way to continue your evolution and development.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
It is my personal belief that, except for controlled light free fighting, everyone green belt and above should wear headgear during free fighting. Aside from pure safety, just because someone can't consistantly contact high doesn't mean they can't get a good shot in once in a while.
Black belt to black belt or color belt to color belt should definitely wear headgear. Black belts tend to be too fast to not wear it, and color belts often don't understand control. Black belt to color belt: the color belt should definitely wear headgear, while the black belt should have a choice.

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