how do you train to jump higher?


Yellow Belt
Aug 17, 2007
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I want to learn more about training methods. I want to improve my jumping spinning kicks by jumping higher
me too. my most recent ideas are this: don't just stand there looking at wild parkour moves and go 'ahhh' or duhhh...

do the moves that you can do a thousand times each.. also just simply jumping on the spot pulling knees to chest is a good exercise.

as far as techniques or other training methods, im sure is that there are many ways. but most important is to actually train and get lots of jumping practice and experience . something as demanding as jumping should be complimented with intense stretching general maintenence and close observation.
I found this article for increasing your vertical jump.

There's also the Air Alert system that you can google. Supposedly it's loaded with plyometrics to help increase how high you can jump. Just to be warned, if you do more than what they suggest, you could damage your knees. Know your own body and your own limits.

I was also suggested the old school way. That is you dig a hole and jump in and out of it digging the hole deeper and deeper. Good luck!
The only way to improve your jumping is to practice and improve your musculature. Just be careful that you don't sacrifice flexibility for muscle - make sure that you stretch properly.

To improve specific kicks, start by breaking them down. If you want to improve jump spinning kicks by jumping higher, then work on the jump first. If you can get a hold of one, mini trampolines are great for this - just be careful on the landings; missing the middle of the tramp can make it tip, and then you'll fall down and hurt yourself; those falls are hard to roll out of.

If you have access to a mirror, jump in front of it. See how high you're jumping, and set yourself a goal height an inch or two higher - if possible, mark the mirror lightly (grease pencils are great - they come off glass easily - but check an inconspicuous spot before you use one in the middle of a mirror). If you have access to a video camera, you might use that too.

You might also look at this thread, How do you teach jump/flying kicks?, in which I asked people how they teach jump kicks, and laid out how I teach them.

Good luck!
One word...Plyometrics. I started with only a 6" jump height and after only a couple months it has increased 4". Not bad for a 50 y/o guy.
One word...Plyometrics. I started with only a 6" jump height and after only a couple months it has increased 4". Not bad for a 50 y/o guy.

Um... I hope you mean 6" to 4'... because 6" to 4" doesn't really seem like an improvement to me!

Sorry... I know you meant 4'... it just seemed funny when I looked at it.
Um... I hope you mean 6" to 4'... because 6" to 4" doesn't really seem like an improvement to me!

Sorry... I know you meant 4'... it just seemed funny when I looked at it.

Kacey, I went from only a 6" standing vertical jump to a 10" jump(no steps, just jump). I've never been able to jump at all, so the 4" increase is big to me. I'm still working the plyo and hope to increase more in the following months. If I were a jumper to start with the increase would be more dramatic, but alas, even when I was 17 y/o I couldn't jump to save my life. Speed is my specialty.
Kacey, I went from only a 6" standing vertical jump to a 10" jump(no steps, just jump). I've never been able to jump at all, so the 4" increase is big to me. I'm still working the plyo and hope to increase more in the following months.

Sorry, I read it wrong; missed the "increased" 4 inches, and thought you were saying that you went from 6" to 4" - which would be backwards - that's why I thought you were saying you went from 6" to 4', which would be an improvement (to put it mildly).
One word...Plyometrics. I started with only a 6" jump height and after only a couple months it has increased 4". Not bad for a 50 y/o guy.

That is great, one thing I do is jump over a bench back and forth it helps me get higher in a matter of weeks as well.
Yeah, Terry, thats one of the excercises in plyo, but I'm so bad at jumping I'd kill myself on a bench! LOL Hopefully soon tho.
In his book, American Shoalin, Matthew Polly describes the training methods at the Shoalin Temple in China. But was interesting was the experience he had when attempting to play his first game of basketball at the temple. He easily stood much taller than those in that area of China. But, those much smaller than he, were able to dunk the basketball, whereas, he could not.

The training method was 'frog hopping' the stairs. As he described it, (from my recollection), students would lock their hands behind their backs, and hop up and down a flight of stairs. I think the hops started and ended from a squat position.
Yeah, Plyometrics. Pretty much what I said in my post. Except I gave a few examples of programs and links to articles. And someone having a vertical jump of 6' (6 feet) is kind of ridiculous, don't you think?

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