Doing Jumping Kicks Better


White Belt
Hi. I just became a first degree black belt, and i'm going to start going a lot more jumping kicks, but i seem to be having a problem with them. I can't jump very high, and the spinning/twin kicks seem to be even harder because of it. Any tips on how to get better at jumping/jump spin kicks?
Do more, do them while you are still fresh. Concentrate on jumping first, spining and kicking second - no wait that was for the 360 without kick, but you get the picture.
Yes, jump first THEN kick. To get better height, practice jumps. Do some olyometrics (box jumps, star jumps, sprinting, etc), build up your leg strength through squats...

All of this will lead to stronger legs and greater jumping ability which will translate into stronger jumping kicks.

also, while working on jumping and spinning kicks.. make sure to give both legs love.

Alot of times we tend to spend more time perfecting whats already working properly, because of the fact that it works better.

Make sure, to do it tons on both legs. I'm guilty of spending more time on the leg that doesn't need as much work because they are easier to do with that leg.
Lol, I do spend more time working on my right leg then my left. Thanks for all the advice guys. I went to training today and worked on jumping then kicking, and it did work a bit better. Now its just up to powering up the legs and practice, practice, practice.
On jumping higher, I suggest jump rope, with short jumps, for LONG periods of time. That will build your calfs for the explosion of the jump!
I felt the same way when I got to 5th kyu. What style of TKD do you do that you didn't have to master jumping kicks until after you got to 1st Dan? Not trying to bust your chops, but you need to have jumping kicks down cold to get to 2nd kyu in my ITF affiliated school.

I can do most jumping kicks. The ones I want to work on are the much harder kicks. i.e, 360 kicks, twin flying kicks, consecutive flyings, things like that. But the jump roping suggestion is a good idea. I already bought one, so I'm gonna start doing that
The only thing that helped me get a half-way decent jumping back hook kick was to practice it in a swimming pool. The water supported my weight and slowed the motion enough so I could practice coordinating the hips/legs with the turn, and practice full extension of the leg through the entire motion.
Something that helped me out alot was doing what my instructor lovingly calls "leapfrogs". I hate them.

Basically, you put your hands behind your back and squat down as far as you can, then jump up and out as high and far as you can, landing in a squat position again.

I'm a big guy, and it really helped me build the strength in my legs to allow me to do the jumping kicks.

I hate leapfrogs. Hate 'em.
That reminds me. We used to do leapfrogs around the room at the end of each session. They are fun at first till you start loosing steam.

Hajime, take care of your legs. Go to a gym and do leg exercises to make them stronger. Do ankle ones to as you have to land on those feet and the ankles take lots of abuse.

Might also want to take up some sport like basket ball. Something to stress out mucles you never thought you had.


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