How do you buck somebody off of you?


2nd Black Belt
Dec 8, 2008
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The question comes from this scenario. Your attacker has you on your back and his knees are on your elbows and he is hitting you on your face. The answer in an email from the self defense teacher that I used to take classes from and still keep in contact via email was this:

2. The counter is not easy to explain, but involves bucking the attacker off of you as you scoop forward between his legs, arise, and attack him

Joab: Can anyone in this forum explain the counter he is describing? How would you buck somebody off of you?
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I don't know about the scooping part, but you can buck someone off in this situation by bridging.
If his knees are on your elbows, it seems like it would be easy to scoot out the back door. I'm trying to picture what's happening here.
+1 for what Empty Hands said, I believe what you're looking at is a bridge.
Bring your knees up, feet tight to to, and push up with your hips. You can aim straight overhead, or to the left or right, depending on circumstances.

It's not the easiest move out there, its almost all muscle strength. The bigger the scumbag the more you have to oomph. But it is effective.

My question, what kind of chinese sorcery did he lay on you to get you pinned with your arms at your side, under his knees? It would generally mean that just about everything else has gone completely pear shaped right?
Explosively! It's why in Judo we do bridging exercises and the like.

If you want to be able to throw an attacker off, the techniques are important.....but developing the core and leg conditioning that allows you to buck like a champion rodeo bull is essential!
+1 for what Empty Hands said, I believe what you're looking at is a bridge.
Bring your knees up, feet tight to to, and push up with your hips. You can aim straight overhead, or to the left or right, depending on circumstances.

It's not the easiest move out there, its almost all muscle strength. The bigger the scumbag the more you have to oomph. But it is effective.

My question, what kind of chinese sorcery did he lay on you to get you pinned with your arms at your side, under his knees? It would generally mean that just about everything else has gone completely pear shaped right?
Yeah, he lost control of that one long before he got in that position.

Sounds like Joab is a BRAND new discoverer of grappling......but his questions show he's certainly interested in learning it!
scoot your toes under (or closer) your body, bridge and roll. blocking your opponent's foot by placing yours on the outside of his would help out, too.

however, just bucking him off like Empty said would be very practical, as well as going "out the back door". from that, you could also take his back and maintain a dominant position from where you could retaliate, or take off running.

when you bridge up to buck him off, make it explosive. and make it count.
It also doesn't hurt to use a little subterfuge......make a half-hearted attempt at one technique, and then EXPLODE in a different direction!
Look into BBJ & Shooto references for skills like Shrimp Kicks & Upa (Sp?) Umpa drills to get from underneath. Judo has these skills as well. These other posts are good advice. PEACE JIMI
I posted a clip in this thread.

There are a number of mount escapes, however, it may be difficult to put thoughts into words that would be easily understood on a forum. My suggestion would be to get with a wrestler, Judo, Sambo or BJJ person and get some hands on practice. :)
If his knees are on your elbows, it seems like it would be easy to scoot out the back door. I'm trying to picture what's happening here.

Joab: What do you mean by "scooting out the back door?" The scenario is this: He has knocked you on the ground, your on your back, he has his knees on your elbows and his body over your body, and is hitting your face.
+1 for what Empty Hands said, I believe what you're looking at is a bridge.
Bring your knees up, feet tight to to, and push up with your hips. You can aim straight overhead, or to the left or right, depending on circumstances.

It's not the easiest move out there, its almost all muscle strength. The bigger the scumbag the more you have to oomph. But it is effective.

My question, what kind of chinese sorcery did he lay on you to get you pinned with your arms at your side, under his knees? It would generally mean that just about everything else has gone completely pear shaped right?

Joab: He knocked me on the ground and had my butt, basically. It happened back in high school at a miniature golf course's parking lot, luckily for me an adult broke it up.
Yeah, he lost control of that one long before he got in that position.

Sounds like Joab is a BRAND new discoverer of grappling......but his questions show he's certainly interested in learning it!

Joab: You got that right! I was always a lousy wrestler, and none of the systems I have studied got into ground work. The Wing Chun school I went to did have grappling, but I didn't progress far enough into it to take it, I did request it. but you had to have a certain sash and that usually took a couple of years. I'm still lousy at groundwork, I'd like to take BJJ some day.
I posted a clip in this thread.

There are a number of mount escapes, however, it may be difficult to put thoughts into words that would be easily understood on a forum. My suggestion would be to get with a wrestler, Judo, Sambo or BJJ person and get some hands on practice. :)

Joab: Good idea, if anyone knows of any in the Dover, Delaware area please let me know.
Joab: What do you mean by "scooting out the back door?" The scenario is this: He has knocked you on the ground, your on your back, he has his knees on your elbows and his body over your body, and is hitting your face.

basically, if he's mounted you that high, you bridge strong to drive him toward your head and then escape out between his legs. You would probably have more luck doing that than trying to buck him off. The higher the mount, the less leverage you'll have with your hips. So instead of counting on the upa to clear him, you'd rely on it only to create a little space.

There are a lot of things that can be done but the best advice so far is to train somewhere under a qualified instructor. Get thee to a grappling school! :)
There are a lot of things that can be done but the best advice so far is to train somewhere under a qualified instructor. Get thee to a grappling school! :)

What he said and then practice, practice, practice.....
basically, if he's mounted you that high, you bridge strong to drive him toward your head and then escape out between his legs. You would probably have more luck doing that than trying to buck him off. The higher the mount, the less leverage you'll have with your hips. So instead of counting on the upa to clear him, you'd rely on it only to create a little space.

There are a lot of things that can be done but the best advice so far is to train somewhere under a qualified instructor. Get thee to a grappling school! :)

Joab: Well, I've done some research, and there is a BJJ school in Salisbury, Maryland. It's a hour drive, but I think I'll check it out. Yeah, after watching the bridge, I can see how that could work, of course better to not get in that situation to begin with. Thanks.
I just found a closer one, far closer one, it seems to be very new, teaches BJJ, mixed martial arts. Four adult classes a week, first class free, sounds worth checking out, thanks for your help.
I just found a closer one, far closer one, it seems to be very new, teaches BJJ, mixed martial arts. Four adult classes a week, first class free, sounds worth checking out, thanks for your help.

BJJ and MMA.......if the instruction is decent you can't beat that.