How did you get your start in WC?


Senior Master
The marathon thread for the" Lone WC practitioner" prompted this.
How is it you came to WC?
I'll start.
I began CMA in 1981. I knew nothing of MA before this, it was all the same, I guess it was fate that I began in CMA.
My original art was a " Southern Shaolin hybrid", not a pure traditional art, but I learned about fighting and it gave me a tremendous appetite for all things kung fu. I read everything about CMA I could get my hands on, and WC is something I kept coming back to.
There was no traditional WC school in my city back in the '80's. There was a JKDish form of WC, that had been here since the '60's, and I went and checked them out a time or two. They were good fighters to be sure, and the teacher was a good guy who made me feel welcome, but I wanted a pure WC school, not another hybrid.
So I kept plugging away at my "shaolin", until luck would have it that I had a pretty severe hip injury that forced my hand.
I went on a major quest looking for a WC school, I searched yellow pages for cities in a 100 mile radius at the local library ( Al Gore had yet to invent the internet at this time) but found nothing.
A fellow student told me about a co worker of his, who studied WC from a chinese teacher out of his garage in a neiboring city. Before I could get info from him, his coworker moved away, but gave my buddy a hand drawn map to this guy's house.
I got hold of the map and went to this city numerous times looking for this man's house but never found it.

Meanwhile, my hip injury was getting worse as I continued my training, until one night I decided I had enough. My hip screamed at me as sharp pain shot through my hip while training a weapons set in my back yard. Disgusted, I hurled the weapons out into the woods behind my house, as if throwing a discus, and went in and iced my hip.
It was that night. as I sat in bed with an ice pack on my hip, looking half heartidly through an old kung fu magazine, that I ran across an ad for WT schools in the US. I had owned this magazine for months but had never noticed this ad before.
The very next day I contacted the nearest instructor, who was 6 hours away, and made arrangements to bring him to my house. I got a few of my training partners together to share the cost and it began. He would come here on a monthly basis, or we would travel to him, literally flying across the country at times, or driving anywhere from 6 -12 hours one way at times, just to train.
16 years later, thousands of dollars later, thousands of miles traveled later, here I am, much richer for the experience.

BTW, I quit shaolin the very day I got a taste of WT, and my hip injury went away after some time....... the weapons are still in the woods as far as I know.
Started doing Kenpo when I was 7 but didn't go for long, that would have been 1977. Then fell into Judo for 3 years, which I did really enjoy but felt it was lacking something, strikes I think.
At about 12 I started "Kung Fu" not sure what it was but it was Northern and we did Tan Tui etc. I stayed with this until I was 15 then found wine, women and song. There was a student who was 5 years older than us who was a right mean bastard and used to kick us around the room when we sparred etc, he didnt care that we were younger and less skilled.

I didnt really do anything for a couple of years until I was 19 then started Muay Thai, and boy was it an eye opener. I could hardly walk after training and due to metalwork in my leg and shin (Motorbike crash at 17, tib, fib and femur snapped) I had to stop after a year or so. The shin clashes/conditioning were taking their toll on my leg.

I heard there was a Wing Chun class (didnt know what it was) and I knew it was mean bastard from my old Kung Fu days who has started it. So off I went. He was still mean and pushed us very hard, as hard as Muay Thai in some respects.
Spent 5 years training to my limits, then due to personal reasons I stopped and it is still a regret I carry today.

So for the past couple of years I have been messing around and tryin to get back into WC again but without a sifu, which is difficult. But it keeps me out of mischief.
When I was 2 my dad started teaching me how to punch and kick and knee and elbow. He was a muay thai instructor. When I turned 5 my mom started teaching me wc from the wsl lineage, a friend of hers was a william cheung guy and started teaching her the concepts of that lineage when I was close to 8 or so she started showing me that system also. I didn't really get into it until I was about 10 or 11. Didn't really understand it, but I got into it with some of the neighborhood kids and used it and it worked. Since then I have devoted my life to studying all sorts of martial arts and have become quite proficient in them, I owe that to wing chun. I work as a bouncer right now in my spare time to pick up a little extra income, and when things get physical its that wc base that allows everything else to come together. Thanks mom.
When I was 2 my dad started teaching me how to punch and kick and knee and elbow....

Wow. And, just think how much better you'd be if you started younger! LOL

Wait a minute. How'd that work? Maybe pre-natal kick boxing? ....or maybe being a reincarnated WC master? Leung Jan is that you????
totally by accident. I rode by the kwoon. it said one week free trial on the blinky sign. one year later and im still at it.
Lol no I'm no reincarnated master. Not even close. But I grew up seeing martial arts from the time I was born, when I was 2 I could punch kick elbow and knee. My kids are 2 and 3 and they can do more than that. Obviously at that age its not correct but the concept is there. The way I teach my kids is like we are playing a game. They love it. But if I was to say to them let's practice they don't want nothing to do with it.
Went with a couple of friends to Ip Man school 2/3 years ago having no previous MA training, approximately 20 miles from Grandmaster Kwok in Blackpool. Friends stopped coming due to family commitments and I continued to this day.
I think you already know mine , abridged version , couldn't find a school that taught wc after about 4 months of searching so i just decided to do it anyway ... but in the beginning i was just ****ing around doing everything wrong learning offa videos etc , until i was made to realise that there are very intricate details to everything in WC. I was always enthusiastic about CMA never really got into it until now and couldn't believe more people hadn't heard of it.
I think you already know mine , abridged version , couldn't find a school that taught wc after about 4 months of searching so i just decided to do it anyway ... but in the beginning i was just ****ing around doing everything wrong learning offa videos etc , until i was made to realise that there are very intricate details to everything in WC. I was always enthusiastic about CMA never really got into it until now and couldn't believe more people hadn't heard of it.

I'm glad you responded to this, because I started this thread with you in mind. In my case, it wasn't just a matter of walking into a local school and starting to train. I had to search a teacher out and it took literally years before I found what I was looking for.
As a side note, a buddy of mine was studying a watered down form of WC and he started WT with me. I progressed just as fast as he did, even faster in many respects because he had to unlearn the wrong way he had been doing things.

So, don't give up looking for a teacher.
I watched a special on Cinemax that was a compilation of martial arts movies, hosted by John Saxon. He said Bruce Lee was originally a wing chun student. When I found out there was a wing chun school in my area, I immediately joined up.

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