How can you train when your lacking space and resources?

Corporal Hicks

Black Belt
When it rains, I cannot train. Simple as that, mostly because its too wet outside to put my punchbag up and too wet to try and pratice moves because I'll slip up and cause possible injury etc. So what should I do? It rains alot in Britain and I have limited time. I dont have a house with enough space to adequelty throw kicks or punchs without smashing something (seeing I do TKD and Wing Chung) so how could I train without the above but still have something benefical to me?Any ideas? What do you guys do? Everytime I go two days without training it feels like I'm losing valuable training time and keeping fit, is this true to an extent?

I think it really depends on how you want to train. While I have the same trouble with space, when it rains for me I change from practicing punches and kicks to doing a simple workout. Just do some pushups and situps (crunches if you will) lunges, squats, freeweights, one of them-there stair-climbin thingys, anything you can/want to do to work out. But I reitterate, it really depends on how you want to train.
If that is really your only means of training I say train. You'll get conditioned to the slipperyness(sp?). Besides what if you got into a fight and it was raining? You might not be able to throw as much power into your strikes. You may have to take smaller steps but I say go for it.
I have a similar problem with lack of space at home, when you practice iaido you need a fair space, and as swinging a sword outside tends to get the boys in blue upset I have to be careful.

A dojo near to me lets you use thier facilities all day for £5-00 not bad value.

Corporal Hicks, Taimishu has a good solution. Maybe you can find a dojang and talk to the master to let you use his space sometime.

I've had that problem too, the last two months. I workout in a very crammed room with a lot of workout equipment, office desk, art desk etc.
I figure I need at least a 6 x 6 space plus the bag and the focus paddle gadget which I move around. Even then, its not too cardiovascular. I miss sparring in the dojang and doing down the line bag workouts or down the line paddle workouts. I can only run outside so long too, probably into Nov. maybe.

But, even someone's garage where you can lay a foam puzzle mat down would be good. It gets too cold though sometimes. I would look into a class or dojang time. You need someone to push you, do different kinds of workouts too... TW
Corporal Hicks said:
When it rains, I cannot train. Simple as that, mostly because its too wet outside to put my punchbag up and too wet to try and pratice moves because I'll slip up and cause possible injury etc. So what should I do? It rains alot in Britain and I have limited time. I dont have a house with enough space to adequelty throw kicks or punchs without smashing something (seeing I do TKD and Wing Chung) so how could I train without the above but still have something benefical to me?Any ideas? What do you guys do? Everytime I go two days without training it feels like I'm losing valuable training time and keeping fit, is this true to an extent?

Pratice the first form of Wing Chun, Siu Lim Tao. It does not take much room to do this form.
I had the same problem when I moved to britain.....

I use to train on the roof top of my flat in high wycombe til I found a club at a trades&social.
Then I had the problem again when I moved up north.
I started my own club at a community center that was reeeeel cheap!
I like the idea of training outside...but in some parts of the just can't do that! even when its not raining

When I move back at the end of october,I am looking for a community center or 2, to start teaching in again.
Give that a shot....try community centers and things of that sort.
I don't know where you live...but they can be real cheap.
When I can't train due to lack of space.....I can always make due with lots of stretching and bodyweight workouts.
Another thing that you can do is pliometrics and conditioning. Work your hands, arms, legs, and abs. Do some stretching. I would come up with a rainy day workout that does all of this stuff so that you can still feel like you are training hard even when you are not actually practicing the forms.

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