How can I motivate myself to start karate again?


Yellow Belt
Hello well I haven't been to karate for about 4-6 months. I was going to karate every week, was doing a certificate 3 in civil construction and there was lots of balance in my life. All of a sudden I lost motivation to do the course, i stopped doing karate and just fell into a millions bit and just basically gave up on everything. Now i sorta feel better but still cant seem to get myself to go to karate because like idk I feel weird being gone that long and seeing new faces and knowing nobody. I think getting back to karate will bring balance back in to my life.
I have good news for you, bro. It's two seperate things - the leaving the house and driving there (which is the hard part) and the actual being there, which is the fun part.

Now....don't be afraid of that car. Sneak up on it, keys in hand.....(and don't forget your gear)
I had very good instructors who were easy to talk to whenever I had any problems. Sometimes I couldn't afford the gas to travel anywhere but to work and home. I asked one of my instructors what to do, and he told me to practice my Kung Fu while I was at work in the kitchen (lol). There were also times I felt stressed out. But then I heard a parable: "Before enlightenment, clean dishes, do laundry. After enlightenment, clean dishes, do laundry." For some reason, that saying stuck with me. I don't know why, but it gave me at least a boost. Then I heard a great master say, "You are already hurt. You are already in pain. Don't stop now. Get a reward for it." Suddenly I was empowered by his words to go train even harder. Finally, I watched a Jason Scott Lee movie about one of my favorite martial arts legends, whose instructor said: "Gung Fu is more than just a system of fighting, it's a system of thought. You must out-think the opponent, whatever form he takes, because some of them will be more than just men." I would say this same parable could be applied to Karate, Judo, Taekwondo, Gung Fu, or any martial art. I would say like a Nike sneakers commercial ad, "Just Do It." :)
Hello well I haven't been to karate for about 4-6 months. I was going to karate every week, was doing a certificate 3 in civil construction and there was lots of balance in my life. All of a sudden I lost motivation to do the course, i stopped doing karate and just fell into a millions bit and just basically gave up on everything. Now i sorta feel better but still cant seem to get myself to go to karate because like idk I feel weird being gone that long and seeing new faces and knowing nobody. I think getting back to karate will bring balance back in to my life.
I can only think of 2 things:
1. Stop worrying about it because they will be glad to see you come back
2. You don't like karate anymore and you may need to try a different martial arts or physical activity.

I've experienced both of these. I used to take karate and then lost interest in it. It turned out that it wasn't for me because it didn't have the kung fu weapons that I thought were cool. 10 years passed before I got back into Martial Arts and I was fortunate enough to find the Kung Fu system that I really enjoyed. If you still like karate then just go back to training. People understand that life gets in the way. They won't hate you for taking care of what you need to in life outside of karate.
I can only think of 2 things:
1. Stop worrying about it because they will be glad to see you come back
2. You don't like karate anymore and you may need to try a different martial arts or physical activity.

I've experienced both of these. I used to take karate and then lost interest in it. It turned out that it wasn't for me because it didn't have the kung fu weapons that I thought were cool. 10 years passed before I got back into Martial Arts and I was fortunate enough to find the Kung Fu system that I really enjoyed. If you still like karate then just go back to training. People understand that life gets in the way. They won't hate you for taking care of what you need to in life outside of karate.

Ah yes, the 2nd option could also be the reason. JowGaWolf is right. If that's the case, try something new. You could always return to Karate later on. I remember when I was younger, I didn't lose interest in Karate, but I became more interested in Kung Fu later on. As a boy, I practiced Taekwondo, but I lost interest and quit. Only recently am I beginning to practice Taekwondo again. But my real passion is Kung Fu, and I have to admit I only teach Kung Fu and nothing else. I am a beginner in Taekwondo, and the reason I'm learning it is just for fun, because I love it and because I already practice Kung Fu.
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Basically get up and go train. There's no magic formula for it. Either you want to train or you don't simple as that really. If you don't then that's fine it's not for everyone there's no shame in it but if you really want to do it just do it.
Is that an Australian idiom I haven't encountered before or is it a drop bear-ism?

An Australianism.

It means harden up.
Hello well I haven't been to karate for about 4-6 months. I was going to karate every week, was doing a certificate 3 in civil construction and there was lots of balance in my life. All of a sudden I lost motivation to do the course, i stopped doing karate and just fell into a millions bit and just basically gave up on everything. Now i sorta feel better but still cant seem to get myself to go to karate because like idk I feel weird being gone that long and seeing new faces and knowing nobody. I think getting back to karate will bring balance back in to my life.
motivation is a funny concept,people generaly don't need to find motivation to do things they enjoy, they just do them as they enjoy them, it's the hard things they need motivation for. It's obtaining a long term goal that requires dedication that's hard. If karate isnt what you enjoy right now, then don't do it.
Hello well I haven't been to karate for about 4-6 months. I was going to karate every week, was doing a certificate 3 in civil construction and there was lots of balance in my life. All of a sudden I lost motivation to do the course, i stopped doing karate and just fell into a millions bit and just basically gave up on everything. Now i sorta feel better but still cant seem to get myself to go to karate because like idk I feel weird being gone that long and seeing new faces and knowing nobody. I think getting back to karate will bring balance back in to my life.
Sound like some thing happen in your life to knock out those two things at once.. Maybe you understand what cause you to lose motivation in the first place it can help you rediscover it? Good luck tho
I think it comes down to dedication. If you want back into Karate, or any other martial art, then you have to take that step forward and not look back. You have to want it badly enough.

Example, I haven't done DDPYoga as much as I would've liked, and it can be easy to lose motivation. BUT, I know that things won't happen unless I get up off the couch.
theres a lot of cool inspirational quotes about motivation and a lot of people who talk about it and all. however at the end of the day the only thing that matters is are YOU willing to put in the effort. you want to join karate? thats great! i hope you do! if you try your best you will get there eventually. but ultimatly you gotta go out and do it. sink or swim.

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