Household tips from guys

Backward rolls and neck chokes shouldn't be done on the same day, especially when you're the uki.
Tuck your chin silly.

A saws-all works well as a replacement for an electric knife on turkey day.
Originally posted by theletch1
Tuck your chin silly.

Sounds much easier than it really is!! Ow......I still think my brain is hemorrhaging.
better than your head smacking a floor....I didn't know I could still do a back roll till sunday...he was like "Give it a shot..."...and I did...and said I'll be damned...;)
just practice going down the'll certainly make sure you roll straight and not into a wall. :rofl:
We do falls and rolls at the beginning of every class. 'course just about every tech in aikido is either a take down or through so they come in real handy. Did two hours of class on monday and went all out. Felt like I'd been beaten in an alley way on tuesday morning.
Got it, and replied. I'm hoping to. Have a seminar with our version of Mr. C around the same time. Soon as I get a date nailed down for ours I'll let ya know.:asian:
How 'bout a:

sabre saw for Jackolanterns

portable drill with buffer wheel for:
shoe polishing, silver polishing, etc.

shop vac for blowing anything up....

(just of the top of my head)

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