Household tips from guys

I'm thinking that next Thanksgiving I should try carving the turkey with either the compound miter saw ro the table saw. The drill press works well for coring apples or bell peppers.
Originally posted by Chronuss
...could really...have at that...but I shall refrain. :shrug:

Because you know what would be coming back at you! :) hehe
Originally posted by Seig
I'm thinking that next Thanksgiving I should try carving the turkey with either the compound miter saw ro the table saw. The drill press works well for coring apples or bell peppers. can actually visualize that..:enguard:
jeez you people can be touchy........besides, he started it by saying something else which I can't repeat.
No need. I fear I might die of a brain hemorrhage in my sleep tonight.
Originally posted by KenpoTess
what's nowing going?
*blocks for the smack*
I don't know what you're talking about. Next time you try to drag me, kicking and screaming, out of a tool aisle, I will remind you that tools can be helpfull in the kitchen as well.
I heard you say that heheee.. and well even so.. my kitchen tools are not near as expensive as your shop ones.. sooooo.. well they could be.. but I'm not high maintenance :D
Originally posted by KenpoTess
I heard you say that heheee.. and well even so.. my kitchen tools are not near as expensive as your shop ones.. sooooo.. well they could be.. but I'm not high maintenance :D
True. But my shop tools can pull double duty. I can see the look on your face now if I grabbed your mixer to drive screws or mix paint.....

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