"How would this situation differ other than the fact that you have knowledge you don't really need to have, but do?"
i'm not trying to be intollerant whatsoever. Being all tangled up, hot and sweaty with someone who might be looking at me as a possible date (obviously i'm talking about a male opponent)....would make me a bit uncomfortable....i'm saying it's me, not everyone else. Ever heard the phrase knowlege is a burden???? Or what you don't know won't hurt you??? I'd just prefer not to know...
"I'm a woman and when I grapple with guys, I'm not thinking about a potentially sexual situation"
I suppose that's where men and women are different!
...(just kidding, i hope there's still room for some humor in here...)
By stating it would bother ME does not mean he isn't a tallented or skilled grappler. I suppose there are SOME women out there who might feel the same way as i do when rolling with a guy. Obviously YOU don't but others might..... And what if you were rolling with a lesbian? Would you feel uncomfortable? You may not, others would.
"I think what you're facing are your fears...stepping outside of your comfort zone...going beyond what you know. Isn't this part of the challenge we face when we grow?"
Please doctor, don't psycho analyze my sexuality or fears.....My exteme attraction to women and not to men lets me know homosexuality isn't for me without stepping into that box....i don't need to experience it to hold an open mind....I don't want to be like the liberals out there who are so open minded their brains fell out.....If your gay, great good for you, my uncle is gay, we can hang out, we can be friends, you can have his phone number but excuse me if i don't want to rub pelvis'........