Home training to improve kicking speed

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jjmcc said:
Also try water training kicking against the water it gives you a lot of resistance and strengthens your legs you might laugh but maybe try aqua aerobics they do a lot of water resistance training youll be surprised!!!

Laugh all you like about aqua aerobics... but I sure wouldn't. Water is very very good for resistance training and is obviously a non impact method of training, which is good for those of us that have bad knees.
Kicking in water is a great way to build speed for the resistance and very low impact on those knee's
I have to say I'm quite surprised at some of the responses, and those who suggest that since I asked how to improve my kicks that I do not deserve my black belt. In the organization I belong to, we have physically challenged people with black belts. We have 85 year olds with black belts. These black belts may not have the same power and physical flexibility level of a fit 29 year old man, but a black belt, nevertheless.

Black belt is not all about strength and power. It is also integrity, honor, discipline, attitude, self-esteem, etc. When I read comments to the effect of the validity of the belt I've earned, I am surprised to see the rank of the people who made those comments and I wonder how they earned their BB.
Sit on the floor with your legs streight in front of you and your back streight. Bend you'r right leg and put you'r foot on you'r left knee and try and touch you'r left foot with you'r right hand.Repeat and vice versa......For streingth just imagen you'r oponent, kick them and leave you'e leg streched out in position for as long as possible with a streight back. Over some time both of these will get less painfull as you'r flexibility and streing improves.
keek4fun said:
I have to say I'm quite surprised at some of the responses, and those who suggest that since I asked how to improve my kicks that I do not deserve my black belt. In the organization I belong to, we have physically challenged people with black belts. We have 85 year olds with black belts. These black belts may not have the same power and physical flexibility level of a fit 29 year old man, but a black belt, nevertheless.

Black belt is not all about strength and power. It is also integrity, honor, discipline, attitude, self-esteem, etc. When I read comments to the effect of the validity of the belt I've earned, I am surprised to see the rank of the people who made those comments and I wonder how they earned their BB.
I do not think any dis-respect was intended, just concerns if you are getting quality instruction. Most of us took 4-6 years to get to black myself was 5 and I was at the Dojaang everyday except Sunday's but if you feel you got everything out of your training to this point than it should not matter what the masses believe. If I remember right your kick are low and slow try water drills like some have mention, I personally would stay away from the ankle wieghts BAD for the knee's. You really need to get streched out for higher kicks. At any rate I will apologys for my comment earlier I try not to offend anybody. Have a great workout and repeat those kick over and over and over.
keek4fun said:
Black belt is not all about strength and power. It is also integrity, honor, discipline, attitude, self-esteem, etc. When I read comments to the effect of the validity of the belt I've earned, I am surprised to see the rank of the people who made those comments and I wonder how they earned their BB.
Corp Hicks never did earn a BB in TKD.
Black belt is not all about strength and power. It is also integrity, honor, discipline, attitude, self-esteem, etc. When I read comments to the effect of the validity of the belt I've earned, I am surprised to see the rank of the people who made those comments and I wonder how they earned their BB.

Anything in red, please read at your own risk!!

Black belt is about strenght and power, you should be able to demonstrate both. Honor, integrity, attitute are all effected by your training. This new age philosophy that black belt is about life skills is a McDojoish attempt to rationalize giving out a Shodan rank to those who cant't, could'nt, wont't and don't train as hard as they could (but pay ).
having a Black belt without the skills is like sticking NASCAR stickers on you Geo Metro.
Always with the opinions
keek4fun said:
I have to say I'm quite surprised at some of the responses, and those who suggest that since I asked how to improve my kicks that I do not deserve my black belt. In the organization I belong to, we have physically challenged people with black belts. We have 85 year olds with black belts. These black belts may not have the same power and physical flexibility level of a fit 29 year old man, but a black belt, nevertheless.

Black belt is not all about strength and power. It is also integrity, honor, discipline, attitude, self-esteem, etc. When I read comments to the effect of the validity of the belt I've earned, I am surprised to see the rank of the people who made those comments and I wonder how they earned their BB.
You are indeed wise keek i withdraw my remark about your BB and praise you :asian:

But realise we are not judging you we are mearly stating that your bb might well have come sooner than it should have or we feel it should have nothing more so look at the posts again and try to take some positives from them my friend..
Mod. Note.

Please, return to the original topic and keep the conversation polite and respectful.

-MT Moderator-
keek4fun said:
I have to say I'm quite surprised at some of the responses, and those who suggest that since I asked how to improve my kicks that I do not deserve my black belt. In the organization I belong to, we have physically challenged people with black belts. We have 85 year olds with black belts. These black belts may not have the same power and physical flexibility level of a fit 29 year old man, but a black belt, nevertheless.

Black belt is not all about strength and power. It is also integrity, honor, discipline, attitude, self-esteem, etc. When I read comments to the effect of the validity of the belt I've earned, I am surprised to see the rank of the people who made those comments and I wonder how they earned their BB.
Also ive not earned my BB yet but when i do sure it will be a special day in my heart. But what i look for in my art is not the colour of my belt sure its great to be up there but about what i have learned and the more you progress the more you learn. I Just feel that when i reach bb status like many in this forum have. It will be because i earned it mentally and physically if that takes me another 2 - 3 years so be it until im ready. Then i can be trully proud of what i have achieved.
In my opinion it is not the color of the belt that should concern anyone, it is the skill level of the person wearing the belt. Who are we to judge some one who we don't know and never have seen demonstrate thier skills worthy of their belt or not?

Then again thats just my opinion and I could be wrong.



Further more this argument of rank fails to further the discussion of how to improve one's kicking ability

dubljay said:
In my opinion it is not the color of the belt that should concern anyone, it is the skill level of the person wearing the belt. Who are we to judge some one who we don't know and never have seen demonstrate thier skills worthy of their belt or not?
The rank should reflect two things IMO. Knowledge of the concepts required of that rank, and the ability to demonstrate those concepts tied to that level.

Doesn't mean you have to be a technical wiz, but you should be competant, and the rank should reflect the work you've put in so far.

Which neatly goes back to the topic at hand 'cause the advice already dispensed is right on the mark. Practice those kicks. Even if you have to hold the back of a chair to drill 'em, nothing generates relevant flexibility and strength like the actual kick.

Leg strength and flexibility also greatly contribute to the kicks effectiveness as does the rechambering motion. Easy way to picture that as my instructors offer up periodically is to attempt to kick yourself in the butt every time you're pulling a kick back in. No restraint, just get it back there.
You might try kicking at capacity and just working mostly on the recoil and bring your level up a tad every day.
Corporal Hicks said:
Can I just point out that your profile says your a Taekwando, 1st deg. black belt, and yet you've been training little over two years. Your say that your kicks are low and slow then technically you shouldnt be a black belt. If you really got to black belt in two years then you would be training alot and your kicks would be more powerful, correct me if I'm wrong but it sounds like your with a dogdey system!


he is lying,lol
Well no Dis-repect to anybody on this board if you have to think in MA you are a gonner. One must re-act fast. Martial Art is action versus re-acting, not standing there thinking what should be done.

One thing my karate instructor has always said to me.....Too be fast, you must think fast.Today 10:39 AM

I'm sure you mean re-act and act fast not think.

Best regards
I think that the thinking issue revolves around timing. For example, you can be plenty fast with your kick, but if you're throwing it at the wrong time, or telegraphing it etc, it's going to appear slow 'cause you'll never hit who you're trying to kick.

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