Getting height on my side kicks

When you execute a high side kick your base leg hamstring will feel a stretch.
As I mentioned in the first post I get the impression that my hamstrings are quite flexible. But my impression doesn't necesseraly make it so. My adductors is a different matter. How much do they come into play during a side kick?

I'm wondering what mucles actually lift the leg sideways? The quads straighten the leg, but what about the actual lifting? Would that primarely be the obliques (and probably a number of others)?
As I mentioned in the first post I get the impression that my hamstrings are quite flexible. But my impression doesn't necesseraly make it so. My adductors is a different matter. How much do they come into play during a side kick?

I'm wondering what mucles actually lift the leg sideways? The quads straighten the leg, but what about the actual lifting? Would that primarely be the obliques (and probably a number of others)?

well, go find out:
Stand by the wall and do a number of slo-mo side kicks until you feel the responsible muscles burn! :D

The glutes are involved as well...
Leg swings. Keep doing what you have been doing, but add some leg swings into your routine. Do 3 sets of 10 - 12 on each leg. I start with front to back, then move to side to side. I also ad in hip turnouts. That is nothing more than doing a cresant kick but keeping the knee bent at a 90 degree angle. I do them in-wards and out-wards.

Here is a good example of what I mean by leg swings.

Should help out a lot in the begining. But keep them as a daily part of your routine. I say they are more important than any static stretch you do. Don't stop your static stetching as you need them as well.

Hope this helps.

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