hit and being hit

Guys, lets chill a bit and return to the main discussion. There was obviously a misunderstanding here regarding the clips. We have some good discussion going here, lets not let a misunderstanding ruin it.

George, just to clarify a point:

The clips in question are not of Jay, but of Paul Genge, a Systema instructor as well as a member of this forum. I believe Jay was simply talking about his own training that he has done in Systema on his own time. As I had said in another post regarding your question to me about my thoughts on them, I think that its pretty hard to get a true feel for something from a tape. Of course we're all entitled to our own thoughts on the art of Systema but IMHO we really can't get a true idea unless we 'feel' the techs. ourselves. It certainly is a very big difference from the art of Kenpo.

The clips, just like a SD tech. are showing/giving an idea or a possible response. Techniques IMO should not be set in stone, but instead used as a foundation to help the student build off of. Ultimately, we do want want to have to think about a tech. but instead react accordingly to what is thrown at us.

Anyway....back to the discussion. :)

Thanks mike, i will say to jay that i'm sorry , i though that was him in the video going though the moves,so jay i'm sorry for that,
i got a PM from someone telling me that i went after jay , like i said to this person when i say something about what i see soneone gets there felling"s hurt. you know how many times people have come after me about one thing or the other?? alot!!! , but it's going to 94 today and i have to work in it so lets all have a good day.
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Not a problem my friend. :) If I had a dollar for every time there was a misunderstanding, especially on a forum, I'd be a wealthy man! As for the different arts out there...there certainly are some that peak my interest and others that I'm gonna stay far from. I am more than happy with the arts I train in, and I don't see myself heading to a Systema school in the future. I'm not saying its a bad art, just something that does not meet my needs at this time. Would I take the time to see in person, what its all about? If I found myself at some point in my life near a Systema school, I just might drop in.

As for the heat...dude, its killin' me!!!! Fortunately I work inside, so I can avoid it, but I definately feel for the ones that have to be out in this!

I'll give ya a call next week!

i hear you, talk to u later, i tried to call u and your mailbox is full:idunno:
no problem george, and for the record i dabble in systema but my mother arts is and always will be epak. if you combine systema concepts with kenpo you will see what i mean. i actually went to a knife show in toronto and it was around the corner from vlad's school so i stopped by and enjoyed what they were doing and to train with vlad at his school only cost $7.00 cnd and i never left the class ever without being soaking wet from sweat(i showered of course).
jay :-partyon:
ps i weld outside this week so i can relate george with you on the temps.
thanks for the come back jay, u know i said this to someone else a while back, it is very hard to say how u feel and how people take what u say
on these things, but anyone who knows me will tell u that i say what i feel.
and as for the kenpo training like you said , and i will say the same thing
kenpo is my mother art, has been for 40 years.
now don't get to messed up with this heat wave, they said it's # 5 for the season.
talk to u soon.

Rob, thank you for your well orgaized replies!! Thanks to everyone i have forwarded some of these discussion to the instructor in question

marlon said:
Rob, thank you for your well orgaized replies!! Thanks to everyone i have forwarded some of these discussion to the instructor in question


Always happy to help man.

Doc said:
If you want to be a good swimmer, you have to get in the pool. If you get in the pool, you WILL get wet. Or you can stand on the sidelines nice and dry, and tell everyone what a great swimmer you are. :)
You always say it so well!!!:ultracool

My guess is that this guy is afraid of looking bad and losing students. I learn the most when sparring with my instructor because he points out my weaknesses by capitalizing on them. Seeing as I don't want to get hit over and over the same way, I end up changing my game. A less skilled fighter just couldn't do that.

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